Can I be pregnant if I had sex the 5 day of my period, used a condom and the day before I finished w/ the pill

I want to know how big are the chances that I am pregnant, and if it is posible to find pregnant during the period

Irregular cycles?

your chances are really really low

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Unlikely, but possible. If you think you might be, buy a pregnancy check kit at the pharmacy to create sure.

Solutions for!?

i dont think so...but a extremely small chance...but not probable..

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No you are not pregnant for two reasons:
1. Because you cannot concieve when you use a condom because the sperm cannot escape.
2. Because you cannot concieve on the fifth hours of daylight of your period because ovulation have already occurred and won't go on for a long time. The most fertile time of a girls menstrual cycle is between days 11-14.

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it is possible but you did use a condom and was taking birth control pills so i doubt intensely seriously if you are pregnant wait until you skip a spell before worring so much lately keep have safe sex if you are going to be sexually helpful best of luck

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The chances of getting pregnant during your length are extrememly slim. It only happen in intensely rare cases. I wouldn't verbs about that at adjectives. Beyond that, you say you used a condom and are taking the pill the other time you have sex? The birth control pill is 99.9% effective when taken correctly. So if you took it as prescribed (similar time respectively day, didn't miss any pills), afterwards you are protected against pregnancy. Using a condom is about 85% powerful with typical use, so using a condom alone you would almost without a doubt not be pregnant either.

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Different women ovulate at different times during their cycle. I don't know when you ovulate, so I can't relate you whether it was possible or not for you to become pregnant at the time you have sex. I do know, however, that there is merely a 20% chance of becoming pregnant if you own unprotected sex while you know you're ovulating, and there is 0% break of becoming pregnant if you are not ovulating, or are not on a day surrounding ovulation. While it is unusual for a woman to ovulate during her period, it is not unheard of any, but since you had simply finished taking the pill the day until that time and you used a condom, the likelihood of you becoming pregnant at that time seem highly unlikely, especially since it take a women sometimes months to get vertebrae to her normal fertility smooth when she stops taking the pill.

Just try not to stress about it, and skulk to see if you get your interval this month. If you don't, take a pregnancy theory test.

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You can get pregnant pretty much any time during your cycle IF you own ovulated. Everyone ovulates differently. The generally official rule is you ovulate on or around day 15. But some women ovulate nearer and some later.
By using a condom that would lower your likelihood. Condoms alone are about 80% effectual. The pill is about 88-91% potent depending on how correctly it's used. If you factor those things together, it's unlikely that you would get pregant. But if you do, play the lottery because you are beating the probability big time!

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If you take the pill correctly, after it is 99.9% effective. You are even covered for the seven days when you lift the hormone-free sugar pills, so if you hadn't finished your pills for the month then you be still covered, so that's 99.9% taken care of.

You used a condom, which is also 99% influential if used correctly - ie putting it on as soon as your partner has an erection, formerly any pre-c*m shows.

So the condom covers 99% of the 0.1% chance that the pill will backfire.

Having sex during your period is no guarrantee against pregnancy - women can ovulate at weird and wonderful times, and sperm can live for up to a week inside you, so there is a possibility that a sperm will come together up with a latest egg, or the old egg won't own been shed formerly the sperm get here. You can get pregnant by have sex at any time of the month, but the chances are sophisticated when you are ovulating.

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If you are using condoms and the pill, the chances of you becoming pregnant are awfully very amazingly small.
If your next time is late, capture a test, but you should be fine.

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