is there a side effect of using contraceptive?

I am 28 yrs old, I own irregular period sence single.Im married for 2 yrs very soon but still irregular period.I used pills for 1yr later I stop for 1 yr also because I wanted to carry pregnant, but until now zilch happen.I go to GYNE DR.She requested me to do ultrasound,the result was Im POLYCYSTIC OVARIES!I did blood try-out for my hormonal level everything be fine except my testosterone was elivated. for adjectives this thing is this the side effect of pills?is anyone can minister to me to solve my problem.Im worried Im getting older,I looked-for to get pregnant.

Depo Provera?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is not a side effect of the pill at adjectives. In fact, the pill is a adjectives treatment of PCOS symptoms for women who aren't trying to conceive. Irregular periods and difficulty conceiving are immensely common symptoms of PCOS. Elevated testosterone is also typical of PCOS patients. The pill stabilizes your hormone level, which helps relieve PCOS symptoms. That's why several women think the pill cause it, when in genuineness the pill was simply keeping the symptoms from being evident.

In many cases, PCOS have a genetic component. I have a strong family circle history of diabetes and my gyno said the diabetes genes caused it, even though not a soul else in my family connections has PCOS. PCOS is strongly connected to problems beside insulin metabolism, specifically insulin resistance.

Did your doctor test for insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition where your body does not use glucose as efficiently as it should, so the body releases more and more insulin. That extra insulin builds up in the body and can wreak the ovaries to produce too many mannish hormones, which causes PCOS. Not adjectives women with PCOS own insulin resistance, but most do. Insulin resistance is diagnosed using an insulin test or a glucose tolerance try-out. It cannot be diagnosed by a simple blood sugar test because most insulin resistant associates have usual fasting blood sugar level. Insulin resistance means that your body take longer than normal to bring down glucose level, but can bring them to normal given plenty time. It isn't the same as diabetes, which routine your body can no longer keep glucose level stable. However, it can progress to type 2 diabetes if not properly treated.

Many women near PCOS are able to catch pregnant either inherently or with medical treatment. If you are insulin resistant, treating that near a drug called metformin (Glucophage) can sometimes return ovarian function to everyday, which may result in mundane ovulation. It has also be shown to help fall the risk of miscarriage (women with PCOS are at giant risk of miscarriage). Some women also need fertility drugs such as Clomid, or other fertility treatments. But most are competent to get pregnant eventually.

I get questions give or take a few the famale responce to sex?

not a side effect. in certainty many doctors administer it to help next to your condition.

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