Cyst? Causes of it? Y will grow lump on skin surface if here is a cyst below? Solution?


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Cysts can arise through a choice of processes in the body, including:

"Wear and tear" or simple obstruction to the flow of fluid
Chronic inflammatory conditions
Genetic (inherited) conditions
Defects in developing organs in the embryo

Kinds of Cysts:
There are hundreds of types of cysts that can arise in the body. Some of the more well-known types of cysts are:

Cysts within the breast which are part of benign proliferative ("fibrocystic") disease (fibrocystic breast disease)
Ovarian cysts
Cysts in the thyroid gland
Baker cyst (popliteal) behind the knees
Ganglion cysts of the joints and tendons
Cysts of the glands inside the eyelid, termed chalazions
Sebaceous cysts of the small glands contained by the skin
The majority of cysts are benign, but some may produce symptoms due to their size and/or location. Rarely, cysts can be associated with malignant tumors (cancers) or serious infections. If you're concerned almost any abnormal swelling or "lump," cooperate to your doctor. He or she can recommend appropriate diagnostic tests to determine the incentive of the cyst.

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