Another menopausal grill ?

its 8 months since i had a period I am pretty sure I am not pregnant. every darkness my tummy gets very swollen and I own indigestion its been happening for the end week. Is this normal in the menopause and if so what can i do to stop it taking place it is very uncomfortable . its usually gone down abit when I take up in the morning

Sign of pregnancy or symptom of taking morning after pill?

Hi.if you read my prior post to you...disregard...I found something that you might find interesting.. If you're really interested, here's the link to this unharmed site, it's very informative and a riot.

I never knew this...great something else to look forward to! Lots of luck to you!

I'll be 47 contained by August...I'm still in the irregular stage, I wish it would cease...the hot flashes are so much fun! LOL

Phentermine and PCOS?

You can go a long time without a spell. Then sometimes right out of the blue you have heavy period following the lapse which keep on for weeks sometimes.

Everyone is so different with the menopause. Best to see the doctor and acquire proper advice for you.

My sisters boobs!?

this is really commmon with menopause. check the site i'll include. avoid sodas, esp, diet ones, but within are so many other culprits which you need to study out for. best thing is to drink plenty of water. dangle in there!

How do I..?

Hi I hold encountered many those who have experienced the same things as you enjoy and they reccommend Black Cohosh and Soy for the relief of these symptoms for more info on this product check click on Vitamins and Supplements then on womens form and you can purchse it online...let me know how it goes...

I Can't loose ANY counterweight. Help PLEASE?

I know this isn't any warning, but you need to talk to your Doctor
There is prescriptions for that.

Breast screening - serious answers appreciated?

the Signs of Perimenopause
You will know you are transitioning into menopause when you inaugurate experiencing some or all of the following symptoms:

Hot flashes
Breast tenderness
Worsening of premenstrual syndrome
Decreased libido (sex drive)
Irregular period
Vaginal dryness; discomfort during sex
Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing
Urinary urgency (a pressing need to urinate more frequently)
Mood swings
Difficulty sleeping
How Do I know If Changes surrounded by My Periods Are Normal Perimenopausal Symptoms or Something to Be Concerned About
Irregular periods are common and ordinary during perimenopause. But, other conditions can cause abnormalities contained by menstrual bleeding. If any of the following situations apply to you, see a doctor to rule out other causes:

Your periods are remarkably heavy, or accompanied by blood clots.
Your period last several days longer than usual.
You spot between periods.
You experience spotting after sex.
Your period occur closer together.
Potential causes of out of the ordinary bleeding include hormonal imbalances, birth control pills, pregnancy, fibroids, blood clotting problems or, rarely, cancer.

How Is Perimenopause Diagnosed
Often your doctor can craft the diagnosis based on your symptoms. Blood tests to check hormone level may also be beneficial but may be difficult to evaluate due to erratic fluctuations of hormones during this period. It may be more helpful to own several tests done at different times for comparison.

Can I Get Pregnant If I Am Perimenopausal
Yes. Despite a decline in fertility during the perimenopause stage, you can still become pregnant. If you do not want to become pregnant, you should verbs to use some form of birth control until you reach menopause (you have gone 12 months in need having your period).

For some women, getting pregnant can be difficult once they are in their unpunctually 30s to early 40s due to a decline in fertility. But, if becoming pregnant is the dream, there are fertility-enhancing treatments and techniques that can comfort you get pregnant.

Are There Treatments That Can Reduce the Symptoms Associated With PerimenopauseMany women experience relief from hot flashes after taking low-dose birth control pills for a short time of year of time. Other options that may control hot flashes include the birth control skin patch, vaginal ring and progesterone injections. But, certain women should not use birth control hormones, so make conversation to your doctor to see if they are right for you.

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