For all the Gynos, Please Help!?

My fiancee and I have be using Neosporin Triple Antibiotic Ointment for lube for about 2 months presently. We had be using a normal lube for sex, but we run out so we decided to use this and own been using it ever since. My vagina and stomach on the inside have been premonition very unexpected like I own an infection and my sex drive has become non-existant...could this antibiotic be messing up my instinctive infection fighters and messing up my sex drive? Please, SERIOUS ANSWERS only obligation to apply!!

Do u know that every part of our feminine is a source of joyment, if u know how to treat it & seduce it?

You should never use Neosporin for anything other than cuts, scrape, burns, etc.- and especially not as a lubricant. It sounds like you could enjoy a "super infection" or a yeast infection. Both of these can be caused by overusing antibiotic ointment, creams, pills, etc. Get to a doctor ASAP. You need to be thoroughly checked out. And be sure to let somebody know your gyn about the Neosporin.

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What the hell is wrong with you? How big is your tube of neosporin anyway? Go to your doctor -- and afterwards go to wal-mart for ordinary lube.

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Are you crazy? Go capture medical advice asap!

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I am in this pen. Without looking at you I would say to stop within and see your OBGYN. I would venture to guess the cream is cause this; or it could be a viral infection. Sounds like near is no need for alarms however. Get checked out soon please.

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dont use neosporin at all anymore, and walk to a gyno asap !

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All other health considerations aside, you do realize that Neosporin is a petroleum base product right? NOT good if you're using a diaphragm or condom.

You necessitate to get to a doc - in that could be something very alarming going on. Oh, and please consider using a lube designed for sex - like Astro-Glide or KY.even spit works surrounded by a pinch.
While you're there, you might want to discuss next to the doc why lube is a recurring necessitate. Sure, once in a while is fine; adjectives the time is something else that should be investigated.

How do you know if you have a hernia?

go to your gyno

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Yes it could be messing up your innate state in your vagina.

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