I had anal sex for the first time today and bleed?

He when in and it hurt so whe stop and I realize that I be bleeding after a while I when and pee and I started bleeding again. Is something wrong with me?

Yeast infections?

Well, he seem to have rushed surrounded by. Don't do it for a while until you completly heal. Then, use profusely of lube and let him use his fingures to relax you, and when he comes in it shold be slowly and you must perceive comftble.If you feel its hurts, recount him to stop and should stop. Gradually, and slowly you will enjoy it; provided unsurprisingly you want it. If not, don't let him do it.

All the besti!/

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No you lately didn't use enough lube . Relax and lube up. If you reflect on you have satisfactory, you don't so use more..

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u have anal but bled while peeing? or were u bleeding from your other nouns? i don't get it. did u wallow in it?

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probably didn't use lube or he was contained by a hurry! You can get small tears internally, thus the bleeding. My support: us a lot of lube! KY is past the worst and cheap. Don't use vaseline, esp is he wears a condoms, it will raison d`??tre it to fail.

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Why doesn't that surprise me? Anal sex does often do rectal bleeding. Anal sex is a perversion. You shouldn't be doing it in the first place. You can't have an orgasm by have anal sex with a man. What's the point of it? Men and women are supposed to enjoy normal sex. Use a condom if you are afraid of getting pregnant.

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I resonate the "not enough lubricant" sentiment. Wait until you treat up and make sure he go super slow...maybe tolerate you push back instead of him pushing in, kwim?

I enjoy had intense orgasms from anal sex. I dunno where on earth the other poster got his info from.

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