Centrum Vitamin makes me tired/sleepy/fatigued WHY?

Why does, instead of giving me energy, Centrum Multivitamins get me so tired instead? I tried taking them with food and in need food -- it just puts me to sleep! I started taking them beforehand I go to bed, because it truly helps A LOT near my sleeping disorder! Do any of you know why Centrum might be putting me to sleep? It's weird. Instead of working as an vivacity source, it's actually working as a sleeping pill!

Cant complain though, I receive up well rested. I'm basically wondering if it's doing its "multivitamin" job if I filch it at night time. What do you guys meditate? Any of you experienced this before? Thanks!

For women..?

Too plentiful vitamins can have an adverse effect and are also not clean for your body. I have that near Vitamin B's and ginseng. They both put me to sleep like a tot.

The best way to obtain the proper intake of the required vitamins and minerals is to have a athletic diet of at least 4 to 6 meal a day. This doesnt scrounging a full cooked meal everytime but a polite breakfast, a healthy snack similar to a piece of fruit, then your lunch and after another peice of fruit or sandwhich then supper. That approach your blood sugar levels will also be constant and you refuel (with food) giving the body the enthusiasm it needs to budge through the day.

What is wrong next to my mother?

Sometimes when you have an over cornucopia of a vitamin or mineral in the body, it will give you equal symptoms as a deficiency.
If you aren't taking the multi vitamin for any object other than standard well human being, you may be doing yourself more harm than well-mannered. To be sure, ask your doctor for a full blood test to check your bodies level.

Smelly Urine?

I don't know but it's funny, that just happen to me today. I bought centrum chewables, and about a partially hour later I feel wiped out. Wierd huh? But don't verbs you're not alone.

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