I'm a moment ago wondering, please answer truthfully?

Well, I'm 15 years old and apparently at this stage I have alot of question about sundry things. So, what I wanted to from you women is: Is it normal/frequent that women experience self access?

I'm a guy and I realised how much stress is relieved after I masturbate and I usually do it between 4-5 times a week. Before you think I'm crazy/greedy/sick or whtever, it certainly is healthy for guys to do it on a regular foundation as it keep sthe prostate gland clear and accordingly less prone to cancer. So, please answer my sound out with the best possible answers. Thanks you exceptionally much in finance for your answers.

Was this my period for the month?

Thanks for a serious sound out, and not just a not fully formed begging for titillation.

The answer is that yes, most women masturbate at some time or another; some more or smaller quantity often than others, depending on their individual sexuality and beliefs and desire.
But it's high-status to note that it across the world isn't penetration; most of the time it's clitoral stimulation. You may be shocked to swot up that most women - about 70% be the last statistic I hear - cannot orgasm from penetration, merely from external stimulation.

So we do it less repeatedly than guys do, and in a different instrument, but for the same reason (lol, like your prostrate is really the singular, or even major, intention you do it, rotfl).

Which is the best way to dull weight also backing me with a diet shedule?

no, when girls masturbate they usually don't get into themselves, they just rub the outside.

What could be the motive of a late menstrual cycle (2-3 weeks late) ?

OHH k...uh it really in recent times depends on the woman...some women like to do it and others dont. I instinctively dont enjoy it but some of my friends do. It isnt unusual to find someone who does it, possibly not so often though...


first sour, women don't "penetrate" when they masturbate. sometimes fingering happens, but usually we freshly umm... rub. and yeah, it is normal and frequent that girls also masturbate, and it's not so that we don't go and get cancer, it's just because it feel good. hope that answered your query.

What are the potential complications of a pronounced (enlarged) thyroid?

its normal..I dont in a minute that I have a man, but when I be single, I did it all the time. Never self creep into tho.

Its all roughly clittoral stimualtion.

Serious sex question. Look at details because it's too long to write.?

ohhhh you kids! perchance get a g/f and ask her...
every woman is different. most gals don't self permeate until after the real entity... buttt everyones different :)

I had a tubal ligation 11 years ago. I'm 42 days into my cycle and no interval. 2 home tests be neg.?

I do both. using my finger on the outside and a dildo on the inside.

What would be a good place to run for a breast reduction contained by Indiana?

Is this a question a 15 yr infirm should be asking? You should ask your dad.

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