Question in the order of HPV ?? Please abet?

My co-worker confided in me that she just get diagnose with HPV also with some extraordinary cell growth changes. She was be nervous of the whole item but I told her is not that bad at longest she takes attention to detail of herself. She ask if men can be tested of this but I told her I don't think there is a audition?? Just checking if this is true.. I herd in olden times that there is no test for men.

If she doesnt use protection beside her boyfriend and he is the carrier and now that she have it.. because the man is the carried will it ever go away? I would think they inevitability to use protection until it is out of her system or no??
How will it clear if both are carriers now?

Thanks.. for your lend a hand.

Just want to make sure I'm correct.. either eay I told her to ask her doctor to product sure.

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Having HPV puts a woman at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer (in fact almost adjectives cases of cervical cancer are linked to HPV) so she must be diligent about getting her pap check - it is a good idea to move about every 6 mths rather than only once a year especially if exceptional cells are present. If these cells progress into cervical dysplasia they will own to be treated with laser surgery.

No, there is no mode to test men unless they have symptoms (e.g. warts). HPV can be dormant for years past any symptoms are experienced by either men or women. And no, there is no "cure" - she will own the virus for life and she will infect any partner that she has since condoms do not protect against it.

It is markedly common - I think something like 1/3 or more young women have it. It is undemanding to catch - skin to skin contact will do it. Intercourse isn't even necessary, merely contact.

If i didn't?

there is no test for men, all the same. however they are currently testing the hpv vaccine on boys, hopefully it will be available for boys soon. hpv can lead to cervical cancer and genital wart, and herpes, a man can be tested for herpes, it's blood test called HSV, since the virus can remain dormant for years. I would love to convey you info on it, if you want, I work for a Health Clinic, and we see tha everyday. Let me know!

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i think u have it within ur system forever..but it could be dormant

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Yes, definitely reassure your friend that it is very adjectives to have an HPV infection (about 80 percent of women will get one at some point by the age of 50), and contained by most cases it doesn't cause any lasting problems. However, if she have some abnormal cell changes, it's major that she be monitored by her physician so that they can be removed if necessary before they develop into cancer.

You also are correct that this is not an HPV question paper for men. And yes, he may very well be the personality who transmitted the infection to her. (However, no blame should be placed. As I mentioned, virtually everybody gets an HPV infection at some point, unless you're a lifelong virgin.) The good report is that as long as your co-worker and her boyfriend are in a monagamous relationship (and thus not risking exposure to other types of HPV from someone else), they will not keep endorsement the same virus back and forth. So, near is no need to stop having sex or to use a condom. (However, if the relationship is no longer monogamous, a condom is other a good idea, for a mixture of reasons.)

Regarding your question something like whether and when the infection will "clear," here is what we say on our Web site: Medical science does not yet hold all the answers to life's mysteries, and this is one of them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 90 percent of HPV infections are "cleared" by the body within two years. However, it is not prearranged for certain whether the body actually get rid of the virus altogether, or – as appears to happen in at lowest some women – the virus is merely suppressed to a low, undetectable level. It's possible that either scenario can materialize, depending on the woman.

The good news is that even if the HPV infection is merely suppressed by the body – "hiding" surrounded by the cells at a low level – it cannot effect abnormal cells to form or spread to another personage when it is in this non-detectable state. The bottom line: A refusal HPV test means you are risk-free for at least possible the next few years.

However, it is believed that old HPV infections can "re-activate" years subsequent, most likely due to changes within your immune system. (That's why it's important to keep your immune system wholesome, by eating well, exercising and not smoking. Some experts also believe that taking a folic bitter supplement helps.) In addition, if you own sexual contact with a new partner, you could return with a new HPV infection with a different type of the virus. Thus, sporadic re-testing is needed. Current medical guidelines recommend that women age 30 and over with normal Pap and denial HPV results be re-tested every three years.

I hope this helps.

Pam, from

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