Period helpp?

okk well i didnt carry it for 3 months(i still dont know why) but now i got it and it be only 3 days long when usualyl its 6 or 7 is that okk?

ps. im regular ive have it for over two years

Veet waxing?

I notice from your other questions, that you've be fasting. Maybe that would affect your time of year. Of course the excessive drinking and binging might be a problem too. Oh, we don't want to forget your questions on excessive exercising presently do we. Wow, I wonder why your period is messed up.

Here you travel, see if you have an ingestion disorder: of my breast is bigger than the other.the lefted one is smaller than my right one. what do you think?

totally usual. mine changed abruptly similar to that.

Question about period?

ok all I get to say is dance to the doctor to make sure because the blood might be back up. thats what happened to someone I know and she's not competent to have childeren. So move about see a Doctor.

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first stale all please disregard yumi Chan's comment it is notably rare for that to appear. i am a nurse and i personally know that it is significantly impossible for uterus shredding to back up! i believe that your term is normal. that can begin - it depends on how old you are too and stress factor can play a huge part. to confidence your concern visit you local doctor so that you know 100% that their is nought wrong. good luck!

I have a bilateral mastecomy last august and very soon feel geared up for reconstrucion how do i talk to my gp around it?

There are alot of reasons for missing period, especially if you are very involved. You should be fine but you might want to talk near the gyno at your next appointment. Birth control would also back you stay regular if you are really worried.

Hi my girlfriend has one hip larger than the other does any one no of that?

Stress , medication. Such disrupt period. Not to worry.
U can see a Doc if u enjoy niggling doubts.
Changes do materialize.

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