Ouch. Period pain. Help!?

I am 15 and I get immensely bad menstrual cramps for 4 out of 6 days of my cycle. I dont know what to do. My mother say that she will take me to a gyno but I really dont want anyone looking down here. I want to go and grasp checked out to make sure I dont hold endometriosis or something. I shave down there and I chew over that the gyno might think im unusual for doing that, and my mother doesnt know. I am a virgin. Why does my period cramps hurt so fruitless? They are like a 8 out of 10. My mom have cysts on her ovaries and I am at risk for that. Please help!

Did i orgasm? aid me please =[?

Your doctor won't think you're strange at all. Most women do shave. Endo can solitary be diagnosed via surgery, but your gyn can help you resolve what route to take (i.e., surgery right away, or a course of oral contraceptives, etc.). See below for more information and support. Be sure to stop by the links, there is profusely of free info (including self-diagnostic tests to review near your doc) available:

http://www.endocenter.org - ERC, a free foundation
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/erc - the ERC listserv
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ercgirltalk - the internet home of the ERC's Girl Talk Listserv, for those under 25 who hold (or think they might have) Endo

From the Endo Research Center (www.endocenter.org):

About Endometriosis -

With Endometriosis, tissue resembling that which lines the uterus (the endometrium) is found outside the womb in other areas of the body. Normally, the endometrium is shed each month through menses; however, beside Endometriosis, these implants enjoy no way of departure the body. The implants still break down and bleed, but result is far different than surrounded by women and girls without the disease: internal bleeding, degeneration of blood and tissue shed from the growths, inflammation of the surrounding areas, and formation of defect tissue result. In addition, depending on the location of the growths, interference next to the normal function of the bowel, bladder, intestines and other areas of the pelvic cavity can come to pass. Endometriosis has also even be found in the lungs, lodged surrounded by the skin - and as far as the brain.

Symptoms include chronic or intermittent pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation is not commonplace!), infertility, miscarriage(s), ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, dyspareunia (pain associated with intercourse), nausea / vomiting / abdominal cramping, diarrhea / constipation (particularly near menses), painful bowel movements, scratchy or burning urination, urinary frequency, retention, or urgency; fatigue, chronic pain, allergies and immune system-related illnesses are also commonly reported complaints of women who own Endo. It is quite possible to own some, all, or none of these symptoms. Endo symptoms are sundry and often nonspecific, so they can effortlessly masquerade as several other conditions, including adenomyosis ("Endometriosis Interna"), appendicitis, ovarian cysts, bowel obstructions, colon cancer, diverticulitis, ectopic pregnancy, fibroid tumors, gonorrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cancer, and PID.

Despite today's age of medical advance, researchers remain unsure as what causes of Endometriosis. There is NO CURE, despite the continued propagation of such myths by the uninformed who still mistakenly believe that hysterectomy, pregnancy and/or menopause can "cure" the disease. Invasive surgery remains the gold ingots standard of diagnosis, and current therapies verbs to remain extremely limited, normally carrying side effects.

Mistakenly minimized as "painful period," Endometriosis is more than just "murderer cramps." It is a leading lead to of female infertility, chronic pelvic headache and gynecologic surgery, and accounts for more than half of the 500,000 hysterectomies perform in the US annually. Despite self more prevalent than breast cancer, Endometriosis continues to be treated as an insignificant ailment. Recent studies have even shown an elevated risk of dependable cancers and other serious illnesses contained by those with the disease, as economically as malignant changes in the disease itself.

Research has shown that inheritance, immune system dysfunction, and exposure to environmental toxins like Dioxin may adjectives be contributing factors to the nouns of the disease. Endometriosis knows no national or socioeconomic barriers, and can affect women range from adolescence to post-menopause. The disease can be so sensitive as to render a woman or teen unable to perfectionism for herself or her family, attend work, academy, or social functions, or go nearly her normal routine. It can negatively affect every aspect of a woman's go; from her self-esteem and relationships, to her capacity to accept children, to her ability to be a contributing contributor of society.

The disease can currently only be diagnosed through invasive surgery, and the average suspension in diagnosis is a staggering 9 years. A forgiving may seek the counsel of 5 or more physicians back her pain is suitably addressed.

Once diagnosed, it is not unusual for a merciful to undergo several pelvic surgeries and embark on frequent different hormonal and medical therapies surrounded by an attempt to treat her symptoms. None of the current treatments are entirely effective, and virtually all synthetic therapy carry significantly denial side effects; some lasting far beyond cessation of psychoanalysis. The exception to this is excision; see www.centerforendo.com to learn more going on for excision as the leading treatment.

Though Endometriosis is one of the most prevalent illnesses affecting society today, awareness is sorely scarce and disease research continues to remain significantly under funded. For instance, in fiscal year 2000, the National Institutes of Health planned to spend $16.5 billion on research. Of that funding, singular $2.7 million was earmark for Endometriosis - amounting to approximately $.40/patient. This is in stark contrast to other illnesses such as Alzheimer's and Lupus, which received approximately $105.00 and $30.00 per patient, respectively. American businesses lose millions of dollars each year within lost productivity and work time because of Endometriosis. The cost of surgery required to diagnose the disease in respectively patient alone add greatly to the financial burden of both consumers and companies alike.

Once erroneously believed to be a disease of “Caucasian career women who hold delayed childbearing,” we know that in fact, Endometriosis affects women of adjectives ages, races and
socioeconomic status. Endometriosis also can and does exist surrounded by the adolescent feminine population. Far from the “rare” incidence once believed, studies have found that as frequent as 70% of teenagers with chronic pelvic distress had Endometriosis proven by laparoscopy. Other reports indicate that as plentiful as 41% of patients experienced Endometriosis pain as an teen. The illness can be reasonably disruptive and cause significant dysfunction, especially at a time surrounded by life when self-esteem, university attendance and performance, and social involvement are adjectives critical. Many adolescents with Endometriosis find themselves unqualified to attend or participate contained by classes, social functions, extracurricular activities, and sports due to significant stomach-ache and other symptoms of Endometriosis. Sometimes, teens and young women shortage support and validation from both the home and the school; told the aching is “in their head,” that they are “faking it,” that their weakening cramps are “normal” and “a part of womanhood,” that they are merely suffering from “the curse,” or that they should only just “grin and bear it.” Their symptoms may also be dismissed as a sexually transmitted disease, which Endometriosis definitely is not. Failure to acknowledge and address symptoms early contained by the disease process can lead to significant delay in diagnosis and required, subsequent treatments. Lack of support from family and loved ones can also supply to the patient’s pain and dread - at any age.

Recent studies have also shown that Endometriosis may within fact hold an even bigger impact on younger patients than older women. One such study discovered that surrounded by patients under 22 years of age, the rate of disease return was double that of elder women (35% versus 19%). The study also revealed that the disease behaves differently surrounded by younger women; leading some researchers to believe it is a different form of Endometriosis altogether. Surgery, considered critical to accurately diagnose and effectively treat the disease, is often withheld from younger patients base on the injudicious belief that early surgery somehow negatively influences a childlike woman’s fertility. Extensive, cumulative research has shown this concern to be unwarranted. What can impact fertility, however, is neglecting potent treatment of the disease. Some researchers also feel that symptomatic, adolescent-onset Endometriosis is most recurrently a lifelong problem that will progress to severe fibrotic disease.

While it is possible to become pregnant with Endometriosis, the push button is to obtain untimely, effective treatment such as that offered by specialty treatment centers resembling the Center for Endo Care (see www.centerforendo.com to learn give or take a few the success of excision as treatment). Hysterectomy is not a cure for Endometriosis. Any disease not here behind by the surgeon (whether by design because he or she 'couldn't obtain it all' or coincidence because they don't recognize the disease within all manifestations) will verbs to thrive and cause headache and symptoms. It does not matter if the ovaries are removed or if HRT is withheld; Endo produces its own estrogen-synthesizing enzyme set as aromatase. Thus, it enables it's own vicious enthusiasm cycle and sustains the disease process. You would be better off getting adjectives disease truly excised from all locations at a specialty center similar to the CEC (www.centerforendo.com).

Due in chunk to the efforts of foundations close to the ERC, research is ongoing as to the causes of Endometriosis and potential cures for the disease. For more information, please pop in http://www.endocenter.org.

OMG Skin Problem or hygiene?? how do u get rid of this?

Vitamin B6 works approaching a charm.

What do they do at a physical at the doctor?

You really need to move about to the OBGYN sweetie. Sorry to tell you.
Go see someone you trust.
It'll return with rid or help beside the pain, and will rule out the other problems.
Protect your facility to reproduce.

Does anyone know breast increasing exercises?

go get it checked out. not a big traffic, you will be fine. i like the certainty that you are shaving down there. hot.

How long after a Cesarean can one start doing sit ups?

I don't blame you for staying away. He will put partly his arm up there.

me and my husband never use protection..?

Cut down on caffeine and processed sugar. Exercise regularly and cart naproxen sodium for anti-inflammatory effects. And, of course, the heat pad..

Side Effect of Postinor beneath THIS situation?

drink cranberry juice
also put something warm on ur stomach.
this may be a disease or it may be middle-of-the-road u didnt give me much info soo.
thers a disease (forgot what it's called) that make u have unpromising pains during ur (.) lol.
and dont worrry about the check up,i'm sure the doc have seen tons of them formerly.

Hi i have swimming tomoro and i cant put in the tampon HELP!!?

i discern your pain. honey i'm 22 and i still enjoy horrible cramps. when i was your age, the doctor put me on birth control pills and that knock the pain out. however they will requirement to do a pap smear before they prescribe them to you.. i'm thinking more or less getting back on them. also you enjoy to treat the pain formerly it comes. if you just started your extent 10 minutes ago, and although you may not feel any cramps at the moment, you call for to go thieve some pain killer before the throbbing gets in attendance. i normally run alieve. midol with apple liquid works wonders.

By 13 what doctors should a 13 year old girl enjoy visited?

If applying grill to your abdomen and/or low fund doesn't help, Mydol or equivalent doesn't lend a hand, or combo of both, you may need to see a Gynocologist. Its not a big business deal, I hate it every time but headache is an indication something is awry. No one cares if you shave. Athletes, bathing suit wearers, ancestors who are hot there, shave adjectives the time. I hate human being examined, will never get used to it, but backache is pain, and if other methods don't work, bite the bullet, it lone takes a few days to grow it spinal column if you're concerned, then you'll appear debonair and clean. Yes, if your mom have problems like that, you massively well could be a interviewee. If caught early plenty, you'll have to concord with smaller number care, than more.

Is it run of the mill for a 10 yr old girl to attain a yellow discharge?

Relax. Just something like every woman gets diffident about pelvic exams at first, but they're correctly simple and part of anyone female. You're going to enjoy a chaperone, and your mom will be out in the waiting room. Here's a contact below about what to expect.

Don't sweat around the shaving; you're not the first to do it, you're not the last, the examiner doesn't watchfulness, and she/he sure isn't gonna tell.

Menstrual cramps can be hellish, especially when you're babyish and your cycle is starting to establish itself. (I started at 13, and was praying for menopause earlier I turned 15.) Cystic history in the nearest and dearest can be a potential problem; there's solitary about 27 or 30 other things careless that I forgot from my OB/GYN classes..You may find that oral contraceptives, or other medications as prescribed, relieve the severity of cramping.

Until you see the nurse practitioner or doctor, try any or adjectives of the following for pain nouns: over-the-counter medications approaching acetaminophen, heating pad (no more than 20 minutes at a time over the belly---you can get burned, even at the lowest setting!), exercise (some populace swear by yoga or gentle stretches), thaw to hot showers, or masturbation to orgasm (increases pelvic blood flow).

Also read Our Bodies, Ourselves---great book for any woman who wants to know more in the order of how the neat piece works!

Need help press on the pill?

well, it sounds like i am surrounded by the same shoes near you!

How can a Hospital lose your medical records that they keep hold of on microfilm?

First of all it is not unexpected to shave your pubic hair. I use to gain bad cramps until that time my period come. There was nought that the doc gave me. I took extra strength tyenlol. For some it works, for others it might. Go to the doc and see what he/she say.

does anyone know what to do about my current belly button piercing?

Include yoghurt in your daily breakfast time

What are the measurements?

gurl the doctor seen deeply of vaginas trust me so u should never b shy to go to him. he know best. it doesnt mean u enjoy problems cuz lots of girls get fruitless cramps but u gotta go just to get sure. plus lots of ppl shave down there too so its no big business deal. i think its callous if u dont shave especially if ur on your period it sort a bad smell so ur just normal :)

My boyfriend and I have sex and I had simply had my menstral cycle 2 weeks since, afterwords we saw that I had?

Your mom is right you do stipulation to see a Gyno to make sure nought is wrong.There is nothing wrong beside the dr. looking around down there. I recognize the embarrassment of it adjectives. After its done you'll go " Is that all"? It's not as impossible as it sounds. And believe me the dr has see many shaved privates amongst other unusual things..It's nil to them..

Pain medication is great to help next to pain. Herbs such as Wild Yam cream is wonderful for helping beside discomfort.rub a 1/4 tsp on your belly where it hurts. Hot sea bottle on your belly might help too. The drug store sell those heat wraps that will stick to your belly and the roast really helps.

I have terrible cramps as a teen. They go away after I had my kids.

I hve pimples on my facade and after six months i will be getting married./How should i get rid of them?

u really should dance see the gyno. He/SHe would be better telling you more give or take a few it. If u are really afraid of someone looking down there, get hold of a female doctor. Good luck sweets!

im terrified to give my breasts a monthly check. any planning what i should do?

go to the gyno! you should do it for your own health anyways. they can try to put you on medication that might relief you with that nice of stuff. I was panicky to death when I first go, but I promise you it's not that bad!

My wife keep getting yeast infections. Could she be catching them from my girlfriend?

Girl I was equal way, If you step to the dr. he has see everything. Everyone shaves now your mom dosent hold to go spinal column there next to you, He will give you birth control and your flow will be lighter and the cramps will stir away ! Good Luck !

Ladies, what kind of deodorant do you use?

Honey, this is a blessing from the Goddess! You should be proud of it! It's xtian guilt that's qualified you to be ashamed of this wonderful time!

Blessed be!

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