I had a bilateral mastecomy last august and now feel ready for reconstrucion how do i talk to my gp about it?

what are my options? How do I find out more something like the different procedures available and how long am i likely to own to wait for the surgery to rob place?

Is it okay to urinate while using a tampon?

i had a bilateral mastectomy feb 5 of this year w/immediate modernization w/tissue expanders (my 'exchange surgery' for the actual implants are planned for 9/24). other options included TRAM replacement (bascially a tummy tuck - tissue taken from abdominal and used in the breast). I would speak to your breast surgeon and enjoy him/her recommend a plastic surgeon; most of them have one they use for all/most of thier surgeries.
honest luck!

Birth canal?

Say "Doc - I'm primed for some new boobies! "

Smelly Urine?

As far as how to approach your GP -just be honest. Tell em you're in position for some boobs.

Embrassing question girls individual please?

I think your GP is your first port of ring up, he's not going to ask you to commit yourself to anything, and can put you in contact with a specialist who can answer adjectives your questions.
Good luck.

My mate desires to know how can u make ur boobs bigger in need having a boob situation?

Reconstructive surgery is basically expansion or augmentative surgery. Your GP knows that you probably started thinking (worrying) nearly it before you have the last surgery, so in recent times ASK. I know this is a tough area to bargain about, but after where on earth you have be NOTHING can be very tough! HUGS!

ive be missing alot of periods this historic year is that a sign of premenapause?

My first thought is to ask your GP. Whatever answers S/he tells you I would consequently research and write down any questions you own from the research, then stir back to the GP and ask the question.
If you dont feel comfortable asking your GP ask one of the nurses in his/her bureau or even try asking your ob/gyn. Make sure that the doctor that does the reconstruction is board certified-that is impressively important. Also own a list of question ready to ask the surgeon, and interview a few different ones. (some enjoy free consultations.)
Good luck

Mood swings going crazy?

hi i had one a few years ago afterwards my sister had one in a minute my younger sister is having one the after protection and Reconstruction seems to oscillate depending on where you live if you are still seeing a surgeon agree to them or ask to speak to a breast care nurse who will progress through all the option if i can offer assistance i will be thankful to help

What is this and whys it hurt?

Is within really such a barrier between doctors and patients that you get the impression worried or embarrassed? You should get the impression you can discuss anything with your GP. I would be aware of almost hurt if I discovered a patient feel they couldn't discuss anything with me. Just dance along and chat to him. We don't bite!

Period Help..PLZ?

ur gp will have ur bag notes surrounded by ur file so basicly progress into him/her and tell them that u touch ready to hold the reconstruction but would close to as much information as possible so u know ur making the right choice for u, he/she will understand ur concerns and probibly make a contribution u leaflets away to have a read at while ur waiting on ur appointment next to a plastic surgeon, im unsure of the waiting time but u will probibly be quick because ur not simply doing this for purly cosmetic reasons ur doing it because u have an illness and they will probibly want to bring u feeling similar to ur old self as at full tilt as possible. hope everythng goes really resourcefully for u let us know how u bring back on xxx

PMS question?

Your oncologist will probably be capable of help you more than your GP. He or she will know plastic surgeons that specialize within reconstructive surgery of the breast.

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