My girlfriend wants to move about on birth control what should i expect?


Anyone can help?

Hormones surrounded by birth control affect women differently, but the main side effects are solidity gain, breast tenderness, and more moodiness! So, don't hold it against her if she's overly touching after 3 months on the pill. If it continues after 3-4 months, she should ask her health precision provider to switch her to a lower dosage of hormones to help beside the moodiness. Also, birth control pills take effect going on for a week, to a week and a half of taking them, but still does not protect against STDs.

I assume im additced :|?

That depends on what kind. You probably shouldn't expect anything because most of the time zilch really changes.


well my girlfriend is on birth control she take ortho tricylin low and on her first month when she first started takin the white pills she got moodier than usual but after her first month she get used to the pills and is the same as usual

Why arent you allowed to enjoy a bath when you're on your time?

she will not be protected against pregnancy for a month, so dont throw out the condoms yet, she might win more cranky, she might gain a little consignment. such is life.

Does birth control fade your sex drive?


I'm a 23 year old feminine and I'm losing my hair. Help?!?

Well, Your girlfriend dont enjoy a baby right very soon. But she may be ready within FUTURE, not now.

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