Itchy breast and red spots?

im 19 n my breast itch sometimes, n when i scratch for a time..
RED SPOTS start to come out covering my breast but my nipples r not affected tho..
i dont know why, i dont other use bra tho..
between my two breast is the itchiest =/
they start to itch early surrounded by the morning n will get worst during my bedtime..
my diet is run of the mill and i did not change my laundry detergent

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May I suggest you see a doctor.
Itching and have a rash could
be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer.
Don't want to panic you, but you really
should see a doctor. .Hope it's not
serious....God Bless...Dixiebell

Anyone ready for a quickie? Hope this help! PS Got YA! Let me know what you think. HA HA!?

Maybe they are still growing... don't verbs but you should see a doctor in establish to feel more comfy.. Because worring similar to that cannot help you at adjectives.

How do i get a pagina?

Why not shift ask a doctor?

why do by breasts itch?


G Spot?

you might have some fungus.
bring back it checked.

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Use cortizone to help near the itching and try not to scratch. You could be growing or it could be sweat glands. You can also try some medicated powder similar to Goldbond.

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sounds like a bake rash to me. why not use some otc hydrocortisone 1% cream. if this doesn't give support to then see your doctor. Good luck


Scratch and sniff child!

Women only please?

If you go swimming regularly, you probably just enjoy dry skin. Try using a good moisturizing lotion after you shower. If the red spots look approaching tiny hickeys (pin-point red dots that aren't bumps), it's called Petechiae. The skin of the breasts is terribly delicate. When you gash it hard, or constantly, small blood vessel break and those red spots appear. They aren't anything you should really be concerned with, but you really shouldn't gash so much.

You should also try using bras made of different fabrics. You might find that cotton, silk, or polys work best for you.

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go and see the doctor..cud be some allergy.. dont use soap.. try using a facade wash gel... a mild on

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consult doc

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