My girlfriend is unable to orgasm. She has only had one in her life. I haven't had this problem before.?

She is in her mid 20's and I'm 31. We own great sex, but this has be bothering me as I have never be with a woman up to that time that has have this issue. I have tried everything. She is powerless to tell me how she can achieve orgasm and can't even do it on her own. Is this perhaps something related to her age? Is nearby anything else I can do? Can she get professional give a hand? Thanks in finance for your help.

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Be patient and experiment. It have as much to do with the mind as the body. She could be psyching herself out at this point. At lowest you know she has have one, so the possibility is there. Keep the mood night light and have fun beside foreplay. And like be said above, vibrators can be a huge (no pun intended) help!! Good luck!

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its natural some women cant orgasm and some can i'm sorry

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she is responsible for her own orgasm, don't you stress almost it.

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Did you buy her a vibrator? Just a thought.

Help please! What do I do about my friend?

I didn't orgasm until my slow 30's. So it could be age. Thank God I finally did. ;P...:)

Is It Normal?

Be patient and experiment. Ask her what she requirements and talk to her whilst you are making love. Ask her what is pleasurable and what is not.

sorry, ortho cyclen cross-question!?

she doesn't have her mind on whats she is doing. great sex is in the mind. she have to want it

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there are a few things that constribute to this , and it may possibly be something you or your partner can do anything more or less, I think it is more if you dont expect one , you will more probable get one , and that it is more and contributing to it adjectives the emotional and phisical intamacy which bring the beginning of orgasm in women , in attendance are a few things which could be factors , some of which can not be changed , my guidance is , always strive to present the best lovemaking for your other half , if it doesnt work , you other have the skill that you are doing all you can to share the experience , and possibly surrounded by time , there may be times where on earth the intamacy brings some moments of orgasm .. good luck!

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I am 25 and have this problem as well. I have a lot of sex when I be younger; but never had an orgasm till simply a few years ago. Have her try being on top. If she can position her clitoris within the right spot and just move support and forth rather than up and down; it might work. That process she can control how fast or slow depending on how it make her feel.
Also; I own heard that age and wieght sometimes affects the gift to orgasm. Hope this helps both of you.

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some girls can and some cant.
I dont really devise its an age problem. So Im younger (a couple years younger) and I have have orgasm.

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she is so lucky to have you. she can specifically see someone professional. try to meet up, possibly as a couple (which would be better because you get the information firsthand), beside sex therapists. explore.

a girl become sexually active around puberty and decline with age. (it's a myth that women's culmination sexual when they reach their thirties. it's basically usually when the majority already know themselves much better, know how to pleasure themselves and how to get there)

your girlfriend logically is very young at heart. however every woman is different. angles will matter, positions will come and go, much more rhythm and the other details - and every little bit matters. you've already asked the interview and I'm sure you aren't stopping there.

and when she said she have only have one in her enthusiasm, was is coital orgasm? how did she realize that orgasm? perhaps she could show you.

she will enjoy to teach you on how to pleasure her and the both of you would own to learn as a couple to manage orgasm as a couple. perfect practice make perfect.

follow your bliss - and it seem to me that her bliss is yours, too.
stay in love.
rock on. (if simply there be a few more like you...)

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These questions are for your gf. I don't know how you will ask her these question without freaking her out. They are principally for women who ask for help, not their bf. But here they are anyways:

I enjoy some strange questions for you. Most of it is give or take a few a condition most women don't talk roughly speaking. Some of this may not apply:

Have you ever mastrabated? If no, then it isn't surprising that you won't enjoy an orgasm as they don't come easily, you entail to know how to use the muscles in your boby. Try running you privates beneath the bathtub facet.

Also, you probably won't hold an orgasm if your husband enters you right away. It take lots of foreplay. Making him live up to his responsabilities.

Finally, does it feel close to you need to pee at anytime while you are masturbating or have sex? If so, read the following:

It is a normal notion for many women (the pee feeling). The lucky women prearranged when and orgasm is coming, but the unlucky women confuse it beside the 'pee feeling' and out of the creeps of wetting themselves they stop, thus keeping themselves from have an orgasm.

Not too long ago women didn't have any places to step and get warning.

Remember, the 'pee feeling' is certainly the 'orgasm-feeling'. You may release a bit of fluid, but this isn't pee. More likely than not you will in recent times have a really apt orgasm. But you first need to consent to go, allow the passion to envelope you.

If you are afraid to do this while having sex, you can try it by yourself contained by the bath-tub or shower, just so that you will know what will appear and what it feels approaching. When you are in the shower, their is no necessitate to worry roughly accidentally peeing.

Good luck.

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