TMI but wondering if I should presume too much of this??

I got rotten depo after being on it for 3 years. I finally started getting my spell back contained by Oct. From then on my period normally started sometime between the 10th and the 13th of ever month and last about 7 days. This month my time of year started on the 7th and wasnt as heavy and the actual bleeding one and only lasted 4 days. Then after that I have some spotting that was brownish and kinda stringy I guess. Then it stopped. I have sex two nights ago and yesterday morning I have brownish pink spotting. And today I've been peeing seriously and when I wiped one time today it be very mucousy and have some very flimsy pink spots in it. I thought I might hold been pregnant later month but got aunt flow and 3 neg home pregnancy test. I dont know whats going on? Could this be my period adjust or what because its been pretty typical since I started getting it. But ever since I started getting my periods again they be pretty normal and regular.

Answers:    Need not to verbs, It definitely sounds close to readjusting the periods due to the hormonal effect.
It sounds to me close to your hormone levels are finally readjusting to not have the Depo in your system. It can thieve a while before they are gone and after your body has to readjust almost twice does your body correct; once when you immediately stop the BC and again when it is completely out of your system.

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