Question about ovaries. should i walk to the doctor?

for the past 4 days or so i enjoy had a dull humane of throbbing pain contained by my lower abdomen. i first thought it be my appendix since it was on the right side but it have spread to both sides and now i infer it is my ovaries. it was a dull agony at first but today it has started to hurt more. it hurts the most when i stand up straight. i be wondering what this could be and if i should go to the doctor. Also, my time ended around 2 weeks ago so i know its not related to that.

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You should conspicuously go to be checked by a doctor. It is not usual to have distress for four days, especially when it is increasing as it sounds it has be in your baggage. There are a number of things that can make happen pain of that sort, and a physician would have need of to examine you to help determine the make happen. Appendicitis is still a possibility, as is constipation, a ruptured ovarian cyst, as well as other gynecological issues. As I said, it is immensely difficult to make any distinction over the internet and it is possible that you might require treatment, so you should travel to see a doctor as soon as you can.

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I give attention to you should see a doctor if you have any doubts at adjectives about your robustness. In the meantime, you could try an icepack to reduce the backache. Take a plastic bag and put some icecubes within it and leave it on your tummy 10 -15minutes. This should reduce the throbbing and any swelling. If the pain persist, don't hesistate to call your doctor.

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Sometimes when you ovulate, (14 days after your period) you can feel a bit cramping from the side that is releasing an egg. If it concerns you, yes, natter to your doctor.


Yeah, head down to the doctor. It sounds close to you may have a cyst on any one or both ovaries. Your symptoms sound deeply similar to mine when I had one. Hurts close to hell, and honestly, there's really zilch anyone can do, but you need to own it checked out. If anything, they'll give you some twinge meds to ease your mind.

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It sounds like a cyst. I of late got diagnosed near one, and I had those symptoms. And by the route, the cyst can come and go when you are ovulating. If you have your period 2 weeks ago, you're probably ovulating in a minute. Yes, go to the doctor so they can digit out what kind of cyst you own and what they should do, if anything. If the pain get too bad, progress to ER tonight, cuz you can't get diagnoses on here. Good luck.

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