Women only please?

Do any of you find that the older you win, the more acne you get? I'm contained by my upper 20's and throughout my teenage years I never have any problems with acne. But adjectives the sudden now I do, whats up near that?

ortho-tricyclin (sp)?

My complexion was ALWAYS call "porcelain".friends, parents, complete strangers would tell me this and afterwards want to touch my face. I kept that complexion until my first pregnancy...and after it got worse near each child. My acne is necessarily only on my chin, but it have left me scar and embarrassed to be within my 30's with an occasional breakout.

Hormonal change effect the acne development (pregnancy), but I don't know more or less the factors of stress and what you eat----think thouse are more of frail wive's tales.

It stinks...I know....press on! :)

He be rough?

Ur mature!

what are some of the symptoms for stroke contained by women between the ages of 35 to 45?

I thought that once I turned 18 I wouldn't get acne anymore. Wow, what a tale. I'm 31 now. Mostly it's cause from stress and the hormones right before your term.

Does anyone know about PCOS?

I never have acne but it could be hormonal. Talk to your doctor about it on your subsequent checkup.

To ladies who use Nuvaring?

ive had acne since i be 11!now im 26 and I still enjoy acne

Gave birth 2 months ago im taking ortho tri lo and i think im achievement weight i consistency fatter?

adult acne, probably a hormone change see a dermotologist for treatment over the counter acne meds usually won't work on full-grown acne

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Acne can pop at any age..but it’s more prevalent during the juvenile years when hormones are in over drive..if you are have acne as an adult..see a dermatologist because the over the counter anti-acne medication maybe too jarring for adult skin..Maybe stress headship will have a beneficial effect on developed acne as it seems to be related to stress more so than hormones.

Does anyone embezzle anxioty pills?

It varies from personality to person...I myself have acne from the time i was 12-13 til the time i be 17 i would use makeup to cover the pimples only to find out that the obverse makeup i was using be the reason for my acne once i stopped using it my obverse cleared up i still get break outs here and their but never that doomed to failure..Their could be many reason why now your getting acne, it could enjoy alot do with the food you drink, the makeup you wear ect...

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Adult acne is on the rise, it have a lot to do next to your stress level and what you guzzle. Try to keep your facade free from oil as much as you can. Put your spine up when sleeping if that's at all possible. I do know that Mary Kay have a great product called velocity a short time ago for acne pron people. It have worked very okay for my daughter and her 10 year old daughter.

Ladies: anyone know how to maintain breasts from swelling during menstruation?

I have duplicate issue. Try proactive, thats what I use and it works great.

How long does it take to become preggnent next to only one tube?

yes. my skin be so clear and beautiful. when i hit 20 i get so much acne. i am 21 now and and working on getting rid of acne scar

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