Im sick of shaving my legs what can i get to stop it?


How do you avoid..?

Waxing offers a longer residence solution, or if you ultimately want to get rid of the fuzz for polite and you aren't short of a buck or two, contact your local beautician for electrolysis sessions.

what is the benefit of an evening primrose? and is there an age keep a tight rein on to consume it?

have them amputated

.what to do for a penis ache?

Amputation will put a difinitive stop to that.

How long does it clutch for wisdom teeth to come through properly?

Go out next to a man who likes prickly legs.

Will this fade the breast size?

Put the shaver down

How long should this bleeding last is within anything i can do to make it quit?


Is it okay to bring Uristat while on the antibiotic Bactrim?


Nipple isues, help?

wax or lazer treatment

PMS and mortal moody :(?


Does anyone suffer from sciatic pain?

A manacle saw and chop them both off lol. Sorry, couldn't resist

Its so discomfited n painful.?

try wax

If I was on the pill for 4 it possible that I'll own difficulties to get pregnant?

laser - its permanant

Why are my breasts sore, and I missed my extent.?

You could try waxing them instead although that would probably hurt more, if you have the money you could get laser fuzz removal on your legs and that takes it away for good. Of course, you could just stop shaving altogether and step

What brand of deodorant works the best for girls?

There's laser teatments to stop the fleece growing. For a much cheaper alternative try waxing. It last for a few weeks and it must better than shaving. You can get kit at the drugstore to do home waxing.

Birth Control - Depo?

Move to Europe.

How rough is it to have the contraceptive shoot taken out of your arm?

Try sugaring, it's like wazing but smaller number painful becuase the liniment bonds more to the hair to some extent than the skin (still hurts a little though) but the results end much longer!

Use of kotex napkin?


it is a lotion that get curls off your legs!

Just a fast question!?

Laser hackle removal is permanent. Waxing will concluding a while, but you will still have to do it. You can't stop quill growth.

For women on the depo shot or have be on it !?

Nair, Veet, Electrolysis, Waxing...other than these concept about the one and only thing you can do is move about Hippie style.hehe...;)

to know when pregnant?

damn, people pounding me to say cut them rotten, damn and im not clever enough to regard of another answer,

augmentation creame for breast enlargment?

I have quit shaving my legs. I have them waxed once or twice a year for a few years and that thinned the hackle so now it is greatly fine like it be before I shaved the first time. My bf loves the soft spike.

Which is the best deodorant for woman?

Electrolysis. But if you wax and wax, eventually the roots will be destroyed and the hair won't grow support.

How near to 100% reliable can we net our contraception without the pill coil or sterilisation?

not unless you pay packet alot of money you have to preserve it up. read tips on hair removal that might relief you on this site

Is it normal to skip one time of year if you are on ortho evra?

Put both your legs into a bucket of acid, but grasp out quick because the rest of your body will burn if you don't.or cut them sour.

Pregnacy with the IUD?

I is such a misery. Sending sympathy.

Western culture is OBSESSED with coat removal. Why do our legs have to be shaved anyway? I think we enjoy been socially conditioned to detest body down. It is a strange pre-occupation. Why not be socially conditioned to get rid of world poverty instead?

There ARE other option. I once heard of a man who LIKED body hackle. One of my women friends was going out next to him, and she didn't shave anything for years.

But most men seem to prefer receding legs, even my boyfriend, who is a laid back hippy contained by all other respects.

Waxing is supposed to finishing for longer. Electrolysis/laser treatments are supposed to be permanent. Both generate some difference but there are profusely of myths around..

Depilitory creams smell obnoxious. You get smooth legs but no-one requests to be within ten foot of you.

But could try those new creams on the bazaar that claim to mean that you don't have need of to shave as often - i have an idea that they sell them contained by Boots. could strike a blow for the freedom of women everywhere and refuse to shave.

Who know? It might catch on. It's time here was a alteration !

I was diagnosed polycystic ovary disease. where on earth can i find help?

lazer treatment

Are in that any women out there that hold been diagnosed beside dysplasia and later turned out to be?

waxing closing longer or go draw from the laser deal done if you can afford it.

How do you know when you are ovulating?

Don't buy any more razor, then you won't know how to!

Have any of you ladies had a breast running down?

well u could use veet or nair it lasts alot longer than shaving and is completely painless! GOOD LUCK!!


Get a brand that you put on your legs and it take the hair stale of your legs. it lasts longer and your legs will be smoother.

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