For women on the depo shot or have been on it !?

Everytime I have be on the depo prevera shot it gives me this never culmination appitite and the first month i will either gain counterweight or my weight won't relocate then i loose a great deal of weight and cannot gain it wager on to save my time . Has the appite thing happend to you or the solidity thing ?? Let me know your expierance grounds i know it usually is suppose to make you gain wieght . By the mode this is the only entity i can take explanation i forget to take pills and I am not getting an IUD .


Not individual did I have one and the same issue as you. But my nails get thin and I lost pelt. I had to transport Iron Pills + other vitamins. Depo is very concrete on the Body. I started using the Nuva Ring, It is Amazing. I have no form or hunger problems, You change it once a month, and men can't have a feeling it inside you. Plus you still get your extent, (about 3 days, usually very light) so your body is improved.
It releases hormones like the pill, over three weeks, you nick it out have your term, then put a trial one in for another 3 weeks. I love it.

2 of my friends enjoy gotten pregnant with the Patch, they don't explain to you that if you are more than 20lbs over weight, it is extremely smaller number effective. Plus you can go and get a rash.

What would you do?

have you asked just about the patch? I could not take depo after the first shot. I bacame suicidal. Very few cases of that individual a side effect, but it does happen.

What could this be?

the individual thing I remember be that it made me feel so lousy, angry, antsy that I enjoy to stop taking it. I got an IUD and adjectives my problems were gone!

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i be on it and yeah it is bad when it comes to the weightiness thing but take care when you come off it coz i am have problems falling pregnant now

Why? i return with pain within my shoulder and and my elbow do you now of any home remedies that will work?

I did gain 3 lbs in the 6 mo I be on it, but my hair started to fall down out in handfuls and the second month I was on it, I bled every single afternoon. I can't take pills, any. Have your partner buck up and wear condoms. LOL

Why do I bloat before my term?

I used it and gained lots, be a biotch, and did not want sex.

Sorry If this posted twice but I didnt see it so: Is it a urine infection?

I HATED Depo. I bled for 3 month straight and gained 20 pounds (oh yeah and my curls fell out in clumps). Can I ask why you would never consider an IUD? That's what I am using in a minute (Copper T).It is hormone (and worry) FREE and you don't even know it's there. You can go and get pregnant as SOON as you get it taken out and you can resign from it in for as long as 7 years. They are NOT what they used to be when they first come out and had adjectives those side effects.

How good is birth control?

yes, explicitly one of the side affects. I actually gain effin 20 lbs and I feel bloated all the time. I have to stop that and I'm on the patch. the patch is okay but it falls off sometimes, depending on where on earth you put it. but it works good.

Can someone assistance me please?!?

I was on depo once one and only 1 shot and I was fine for something like a month then it come...I had a spell for 8 weeks yes 8 weeks! it was horrible not a short time ago a little here and here a full period for 8 weeks. I can't remember the pill any but I went on the patch and it is what in fact stoped my period and it is amazing!
I put it on (my daytime is sunday) and every sunday I put a new one on, on the 4 th week I hold it off. it is that flowing even through showers it still stays on. Highly recommended since it is not good to walk from one extreme to another with your shipment.

i shaved my pubic area and after the pores got red or somethin. what can i do subsequent time to make it look better?

It usually make you gain weight because the hormone contained by depo is progesterone, which tells your body you are pregnant, even if you're not. when the body is pregnant it tell itself to eat more to provide a athletic body for your (imajinary) baby, the elder you are, the harder it is to prevent weight gain. of late cut down on the bread and eat heaps of vegies and meat (with the portly cut off) that will make your body relieved with your intake of food and you'll loose the solidity.

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I abominate that shot, first off i gain almost thirty pounds in three months minus even changing anything lifestyle sagacious. My friend had her time of year the whole time she be on the three month course, and once you get past its sell-by date of it, it takes forever to regulate your cycle. Oh and after i have been on it for three years and wound up next to really bad stomach problems i go and seen a spanking new doc after i had moved and he give me a two page list of adjectives the side effects that this pill can give you. Try a low dose pill or the nuvaring, only just make sure you check that after every time you hold sex. Hope that this helped out some.

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