How near to 100% reliable can we make our contraception without the pill coil or sterilisation?

we cannot use the pill coil or be sterilised

Girls how do u ?

Latex condoms can provide up to 98-99 percent protection against pregnancy and most STDs, including HIV infection, but only if they are used consistently and correctly.

When patients are properly trained and use the diaphragm consistently the let-down rate is 6 percent.

The Calendar rhythm method has an estimated 18% come to nothing rate.

I hope these statistics are useful to you. I am assuming that in rejecting the pill you are rejecting progesterone single pills,injections and implants.

Pain after have sex (only my 4th time)? PLEASE ANSWER!?

try a condom!

Cramp question?

try the jag bud diapraghm or condoms

help..i can't get an orgasm withouth touch..?


How can I increase my largeness?

Failing that, the implant, injection, condom or patch

I own big leg muscles. i've had them since i be bout 7 and now am 16. wat can i do to mute them?

I'm assuming you realize that there are other forms of birth control besides "the pill", a coil, or sterilization. The strange IUDs (not coils) are 99.9% effective and Depo-Provera is 99.7% effectual according to the information that comes with my prescription. Most forms of birth control are ineffective simply because society don't use them correctly (forget to take the pill, the IUD is inserted incorrectly, a condom isn't put on correctly). Even sterilization isn't 100% influential as some women do become pregnant if they have have a tubal ligation or their partner has have a vasectomy. And I'm sorry but I don't consider abstinence a form of birth control as the complete point of birth control is assuming that one is sexually active or will eventually become sexually involved. You can't be controlling birth if there is no risk of becoming pregnant in the first place, in recent times like you can't control pests if within aren't any to begin near. Plus it is completely ridiculous to assume that everyone will be abstinent because sex is a natural function of the human body.

I am treating a yeast infection..?

The one and only thing you can do is use the inborn methods of contraception i.e. you have to monitor your menstrul cycle and know it inside out, if used properly can be 70-90% forceful. U shud speak to ur GP.

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