How painful is it to have the contraceptive implant taken out of your arm?

Next week I am due to have my contraceptive graft (implanon) taken out from my arm and a new one put within. Just wondering how sore this is going to be.

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It shouldn't be overly itchy as they use a local anaesthetic and the initial sting of the needle is the worst. You may hold some mild discomfort in the nouns for a day or two afterwards as you will enjoy a firm bandage around your arm for 48-72 hours. The party taking it out will be fully trained in insertion/extraction of the implanon and most of the ones I've seen come out do so efficiently.

Cn i b preg..even if we used a condom?

Just as painful as it be going in.

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Bringing in and removing could be performed with the sole purpose by physicians specially trained in this procedure, surrounded by a clinic apporopriately equipped. Procedures should be performed provided sterility be observed. During 1-2 days in the point of introducing capsules one might be aware of some discomfort or oedema. The place where the entrench was introduced should be moistened by river during three days. A contraceptive effect begins now after introducing the capsules and durates up to their removal. Disorders of the period are possible, but it does not mean decreasing of a contraceptive effect.
The first stop by to a doctor should be made not later than a month after introducing. One should be right now consulted in a clinic if one of the following problems arose:
- ache in the arm, pus or blood excretions within the place of introducing capsules,
- extremely severe hemorrhage from the vagina, bunking off of excretions similar
to those during periods during six weeks after the final period,
- a severe stomach stomach-ache or a pain contained by the small pelvis,
- extremely severe headaches,
- ictericness of the skin and scleras,
- shortness of breath or an acute discomfort in the breast.

Wot do i do after?

I'm training to transport them out next month!

It should be a simple proceedure. The worst sting will be the local anaesthetic injection, which is like peas in a pod as having it put surrounded by. It should be quite numb after that.


doesnt hurt but you do consistency odd after though, you can still grain where it be!! Freaky!!

Please Help.I little embarrassing?

Its like peas in a pod as it going in. The anasthetic is the worst bit.

Whats wrong with me? Am I alike?

i had mine removed in june after have it in for 2 years, i thought it be sorer soming out than going in i am afraid. i still managed to stir to work though and it was ok the subsequent day.
obedient luck, you'll be fine

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Not painful. they numb the nouns n open it up n bring the implant out n stitch ya up. so its graceful n painless

How likely is it to carry a false pos. result from the red cross?

same as going in don't hurt that bad Hun or general public wouldn't get it down

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