if you haven sex how u get him to not be rough?

if he sayin he can't help it cuz he horney or can't control hisself. how u catch him to ease up on you during sex?

amoxicillin and UTI's?

relay him seriously how much it bothers you. or just continue till there's a polite time to talk to him and only just talk to him roughly sex, ask him about what he like what he dislikes, and share with him like peas in a pod from your point of view. Maybe once he realize it's not enjoyable for you he'll focus more on pleasing you.

Well ive just had sex beside 1 person and i found him extremly repulsive im 13 and its bin multiple times and it

Get on top and filch control.

what are this pimple like things that grow around your pubic are ive asked around but not a soul seeems to know?

tellin him straight in the face? tts the best and strongest process to deal near guys. (me included?) Cuz if you dun say it a serious tone, guys won't nick you seriously (duh =x) yup. =)

Sex without a condom?

If he can't respect you and take the edge off up...find someone who will.

He CAN control himself and if he says he can't..he's lying. He purely WON'T.

PERIOD help?

Tell him that if he doesn't slow his roll and chill out beside the ruff stuff, you're gonna stop givin him the good stuff. If he starts gettin rough during sex, a short time ago get out of the bed (or everywhere you're gettin frisky) and leave him within with blue ball. A couple instances of this and he should get the picture. If that doesn't work, ditch the guy, because he's undoubtedly not concerned that he's hurting you and not giving you any pleasure.

Does pot affect the birth control pill ?

Tell him if he likes getting laid? To do as you say aloud or you will find someone who will resepect you. But you won't cause you love him, an you will agree to him treat you like a dog end in he will leave you an you will be alone. So don't utter a thing an revise to like it rough and he can start to slap you an trounce you too. But you love him

My bladder seems to obtain irritated a lot. It is not an infection, but feel like one..Why?

You should not be have sex!

What Age can a woman have a hysterectomy please as my stomach?

Dump him ASAP.
Purify yourself sexually
Wait until your marriage night.
Get your freak final on - he will be perfect, not rough and he will rock your world better than your current "testing drive."

He may get belligerent with you - I would lose him and pray that he doesn't flip out..

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