PERIOD help?

I just get my period for the first time December of 05. Then, I get it kind of shakily until July 06. I enjoy not gotten my (full) period since. It is March 07. A week ago, my frontage broke out and I got this brownish discharge (kind of approaching the blood that comes out the 1st week of your period, but goopy) I know this is not an infection. I hold never had sex, so I am not pregnant. What's going on, though? Has this ever happen to anyone else? How do I talk to my mom going on for it? Has this happened to you ever? Does anyone know WHY this have happened or is going on? I did lose a lot of weightiness over the summer. If that has anything to do w/ it. But collectively, when you lose weight (im 5,4, be 132, got down to 115) how long does it pocket to get subsidise on track? How stressful do you need to be to miss a spell?

I need a honest anti persperant (i dont smell.. i sweat.) help please?

believe it or not even for a moment bit of stress can throw off your time of year. Stress creates a chemical imbalance which is why lots of empire breakout when they're stressed. I'm one of them. This used to happen to me up to that time i went on the birth control pill. I use the pill not for birth control but to regulate my flow. Losing cargo also may cause an irregular interval but I feel as if you'd own to lose waaay more than that and to actually be at an sickly weight to create it to stop. losing in the region of 20 pounds may have a short time ago disrupted it and made it irregular. If you start to level out your counterbalance and be less stressed it may even out but also your interval doesn't REALLY begin to become regular for the first 3 years!! So don't be worried but if you really quality it's necessary later talk to your doctor subsequent time you're there.

Period cycle?

you call for to see a doctor, just gossip to your mom and ask her about it, trust me they hold heard worse and they have to do a lot worse. but you should takl to someone.

If my Haematocrit (PCV) read 35 % and ESR as 36 mm/hr (im 30 and female) what should my worries be?

honey i already answered this.

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