I need help with my period.?

I've been taking birth control pills for five years immediately.The reason I pinch them is bcause the dr presbribed them for me to get my interval.Without the pills I dont get my extent.I got my term on March 21 and ended March 24.I started to pocket my bc pills for two days, but then I forgot to embezzle them for 4 days and the dr said to take them starting the subsequent month.I just get my period again today.Is this conventional?What can be wrong?


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I am no doctor, but...I wonder what age you be when your doctor decided that it be necessary to present you bc pills so you'd have your term? You should try not to take these pills for a while and see if your extent comes naturally, that would be much better.
And very soon your question. I deduce you messed up your schedule by not taking this bc pill for more later 4 or 5 days. Like you have your time after finishing your monthly strip of bc pills , now you stopped again and so your body is have a period again. I focus that's nothing to verbs about but you might ask your doctor for a clear answer. He can transmit you if something's wrong, maybe that might reassure you.

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Im not sure but missing even 1 morning of the pill can ruin the whole cycle so bring in sure you miss no dose or you will have to start adjectives over the next month.
Hope dis help = P

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OK maybe if you get to a special list they can speak about u because that is not a everyday thing so try to progress to ur doctor aging and tell him what happend befor u be in motion to a special list ok!! I hope the best for you trust me this is the warning u want !

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Hormonal birth control, including the pill, patch, and the rings, work because they hang on to your body from releasing eggs and preparing the lining that you shed during your spell. They generally come surrounded by four one-week cycles a month, three weeks of varying degrees of hormones, and a week of placebo pills. During the week of ineffective pills, you should enjoy your period.
If you miss a dose or two, it's resembling taking the dose of ineffective pills. Your period will start, and you'll hold to start again the next month.
If you own any questions almost it, you should talk to the doctor who prescribed the pills.

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