what is the function of the OTC meds such as UTI Relief & are they safe to use with antibiotics?


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Uristat and AZO contain PHENAZOPYRIDINE.this drug help treat the symptoms of a UTI but not the infection itself. That's why antibiotics must also be used. But they are safe to purloin with antibiotics.contained by fact, masses doctors prescribe prescription-strength PHENAZOPYRIDINE to go along near an antibiotic.

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The OTC uristat helps next to the spasms caused by the UTI and can be soundly used with antiboitics.

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Snake grease. They're probably safe to pilfer with antibiotics, but they really don't do anything except put 5$ into the companies pocket. They never help any of my bladder or kidney infections.

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I would other check with the pharmacist if any OTC medication will interact beside any other medication.

In the UK they always ask if you're on any other loving of meds before they get rid of it to you.

I hope you feel better soon.

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