Women Only!?

Ok I am 13 and want to have sex. I don't know when i should skulk until. Everytime i see ths guy i just want to. pleasssse oblige!

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i'd say to skulk til you are like 16 or 17.i lately turned 17 and i'm still a virgin and 100% ok with that. basically do what i did, tell yourself you are gonna skulk til you are ? # years old and on at least possible some kind of birth control but if you don't do the age entry though, at least do the birth control segment...you will want to be as cautious as possible.

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ok i will teach you how to. stick your finger up your butt


i did at 13 and am 24 presently.please wait..trust me it is better to be elder..

PLEASE help me!?

you should skulk until you are older. There are masses things that can go wrong, and you may regret doing it. I be 20, and now I yearning I had wait even longer.

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Oh my godliness sweetie NO!

Think of it this way.if you do sleep next to this guy and get pregnant are you geared up to take support of a baby? You will own to give up your teen years to be a Mom. So sweetheart.loaf on sex.at least until you are all set to take thoroughness of a child. Or, like I did, know I can clutch care of myself in need having to look to my Mom for everyday backing. At least if something did come about then I wouldn't be within a total meltdown.

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Your a dirty *. Wait til your at least 14! "U

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You enjoy a lifetime to have sex, so man 13 is by comparison is very immature. Believe me, you can live without it for a while. Besides, do you want your first experience to be dumb and awkward? Wait until you find someone you really connect beside emotionally and feelings are mutual. If a guy like you for you and not for what you can give them, that's call genuine.

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I think you should defintly lurk. If you have sex in a minute you'll regret it. Right now you believe it's all fun, but when you grow up you'll craving you waited. So copious ppl made this mistake and wish they could budge back, pleas don't bring together them. If you have sensations for the guy then be his gf , and hang down out with him alot. But PLEASE no sex.And if you hold a baby. Are you primed for the responsibility?

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You had better chew over twice before you do. I can't even interpret a 13 yr.old even thinking give or take a few sex. Why, don't you talk to your Mom.Gosh, I surface so awful for you. I just can't believe this is even occurring. Bless your heart, you are so misguided. Sex is not the answer to seeing a cute guy. You should have more respect and dignity for yourself. Please don't do anything foolish, that you will probably regret the rest of your life span.Thanks an you will be in my prayers, God Bless you .

Okay you lately lost your "Virginity" what are your next light of day thoughts?

You're obviously an intelligent, immature lady. Instead of asking on stripe, talk to your mom, (if you can), a favorite,and trusted aunt or grandparent, or, as happen in my satchel, my best friends mom. Always remember, the consequences last long after the accomplishment. 2 weeks from now, you probably won't consistency the same, and will be glad you didn't tolerate your hormones take over.

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Okay, if you're not dating this being, or you're not in a serious relationship, don't do it. I am seriously give or take a few your age. If you just shift and do it with someone you may never be serious next to it's honestly a waste. Try and hold out for that special someone. It'll be worth it. I promise.

Sterilisation ask?

Wait until you're married.

Sex isn't all that great until you are surrounded by love with someone, not freshly crushing on them. Wait.

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Hey in that. You're too young. Wait until you're contained by a serious relationship with someone you completely trust and protection about. Once that's going on, continue at leeeeast 6 months. And don't do it at your age. That's creepy and really, you think you know it adjectives and are ready--you aren't. Just be patient. It's hormones.

Women Only!! Man, soon to be married! Never have sex and I'd like your proposal.?

Ok the standard answer is wait you are tooooo young-looking.. But lets run through this. It is normal to assume about have sex with someone you are interested in.. That desire can override adjectives sense and reason. If you truely suggest you are prepared to have sex you requirement to think intensely clearly about the consequences of that feat.. First, What would you do if you got pregnant? That is a genuine possiblity not matter how sensible you are. Always assume any time you have sex you could obtain pregnant. Are you ready for that ? Next, STD's. They are road to real, too adjectives and too dangerous. No if ands or buts us a condom every time. No business what you use for birth control, use a condom.. It is sthe only method that help protect against STDs. I would understand STD's signs and symptoms and consequences, in that is no guarantee that you are safe, even next to a condom. I would go to the gyn or planned motherliness and have a check up and discuss this beside them. Confidentiality, they can't tell your parents. If you can move about through all this and still want to hold sex, then be in motion for it.. Truth be told you will be happier if you wait but i.e. your choice... Good luck.

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oh my god, talk beside your parents but sex at 13 is not good, your a babe yourself, and if you end up getting pregnant your life span will change forever. Its not worth it, no boy at the age is worth screw up your life for. dawdle, you will know when the time is right and that when your old satisfactory to understand.

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O.K you are to young i promise if i could stir back i would. It is the most special point that you can not take vertebrae save your self i promise they will respect you more if you do. it take a real woman to amass them self. if you dont people will use you.

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hun, you should wait. you're 13 so your hormones are freshly acting up. just loaf to be older. im 16 and a proud virgin! lol
but yea.so freshly wait.

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wait untill your elder!! trust me

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you should keep on, since you are gettin older your hormones is going crazy, dont do it you will regret it

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