Okay you just lost your "Virginity" what are your next day thoughts?


please please help !?

Well, hopefully you're not sitting nearby thinking, "Oh crap did he use protection?" Losing your virginity should be a very special experience within life and shouldn't be taken insubstantially. You can never give it away again.

I lost my virginity when I be 20 (and no I wasn't a nerd, I be a varsity cheerleader, and plenty of boyfriends) I gave my virginity to a man that I have been seriously dating for a year (who be also a virgin) and we were busy.

Now I regret doing it before I be married because it was the one piece I couldn 't give my husband, and no my boyfriend wasn't the man I married.

I hope that everyone (male and female) think long and hard almost making love for the first time. Lord knows you don't want to look subsidise on your first time and say, "Hey surrounded by the backseat behind the dumpster WAS romantic".

If you resolve to have sex, generate sure you protect yourself. Aids, STD's and pregnancy aren't laughing matters. And you CAN draw from any one of those things the first time (even if it only last for 15 seconds) My friend contracted herpes (no cure) from one of her first boyfriends, and I got pregnant the awfully first time my husband and I made love.

And the 'love' you feel at 16 is NOTHING resembling what you'll feel at 25 & 30 so don't verbs lust with love.

Birth control ask?


I have a 11 year older friend who has smoked weed beside a 15 year old and plans to do it again.?

omg why did i stir and do that =i was wanting to pick up myself for marraige

women who are trying to conceive with their significant other?

Wow! Or WOE.....Hallelujah or holy mackerel

Do girls own like white stuff surrounded by there virgina?

WOW that be great. I gotta get me some more of that. (Way better than self-abuse.)

Of course I'm a guy, so this should step without saw.

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omgsh your a freakin boy what are you doing in the womens health box you sick o

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