PLEASE help me!?

Okay, I recently started my period-2 months ago and it have been regular both months so far, but I newly realized that I will be going on a break (Beach) during this time next month.PLEASE backing me!! I don't know of anything to do! Is there any instrument I can somehow skip my period subsequent month-make it not come? Are there any pills my doctor can supply me to make me not hold it? If it helps any I am 15 yrs behind the times.

What is best to take for menstrual cramps?

move about to the doc, he MAY perscribe some pills for u. its not really reccomended for ur age, but im sure theres sumthin he can perscribe. if NOT, then use tampons, they serve really well. iv'e a short time ago started using 'em and it does take a moment or two while to learn, but simply try EVERY day and consequently eventually u'll get it! Good Luck, and Have fun on ur VACA!! HID

Question for recovering bulimics solely, please.?

Go ask Doctor to take some pills... but it might clear you have some headach or gain cargo. nothing is unflawed :-(

Girls only!?

While it is possible, due to your age, I outstandingly doubt any responsible doctor is going to give you anything to alter your time of year's duration or timing.

Wear a tampon and an appropriate bathing suit bottom and you'll be just fine! You don't enjoy to look like an feeble woman just because you're wearing a tampon! I strongly recommend using Playtex Gentle Glide. They truly expand FAR more than Tampax brand (I absolutely despise that brand!).

I hope you hold a blast!

Would this do that? Females only please!?

Wow you lately got it and you're 15? Pretty ancient. But anyway yes there is medication for it to be shorter but in attendance are very impossible risks and the doctor wouldn't give a childish girl the medication especially if you havn't even had it for a year all the same! There really is nothing to do.. besides tampons but you purely started! Talk to a trustworthy adult, fmaily contributor, your mother.

What reasons could construct a woman have severe cramps after a darkness with her husband?

Hon, here are these great things called Tampons. If you use a clothed kind you'll still be capable of have fun on the coast and look nice in a swimsuit. Having your spell does NOT mean have no fun!

Why am I getting 3 periods a month?

well u can adjectives ways use tampons. they are'nt like pad when they suck up water. tampons run in side of you and you can shift simming and all that apt stuff. and they aint much of a hassell to carry around, in recent times put them in a purse!!

Why do women enjoy the urge to pee, after orgasm?!?

We'll I've been going to the pool when my spell was going on and I didn't enjoy any problems. My teacher said that as long as you dont move too much, it wont come out surrounded by the water and as you stride. Just wear a swim suit that's not cotton and you'll be fine!

2 months late?

there might be some pills your doctor can contribute you but if not you could use tamons

Good Luck : )

OUCh!!? (Women Only, g.)?

You could find birth control pills, but you're not going to be prescribed medication just because you don't want to hold your period on time off. Life doesn't work that way, sorry!

If you are wanting to turn swimming or whatever, consequently learn to use tampons.

What are the most important vitamins you should take everyday?

I seriously doubt any doctor would confer you pills to make you not hold your period only because of vacation. I know have your period on break is bad but you could try using tampons or wearing pad with shorts instead of a middle-of-the-road bathing suit. You could also try buying a girdle and wearing it with your wipe. It helps to hold it closer to your body near less bulk. I did this when I be a teen and it worked pretty well. Maybe after you could get some cute swim shorts and grain secure more or less it. Take some midol with you and relax. Enjoy your time off and remember that having your spell is a normal entity that all females move about through and there will be plentiful more times when you have your length at times that you wish you didn't but you'll obtain through them, I promise.

Is there a any other passageway beside surgery to get rid of stretch results on your stomach after given birth?

You can skip a period by going on birth control pills and skipping the sugar pills, of late taking the hormone ones. I have done this for a while immediately.
The bleed you normally grasp while taking the pill is not actually your concrete period. It is an artificial spell, produced as a result of the withdrawal symptoms your body have due to taking sugar pills rather than hormones.
The sugar pills be only added surrounded by by manufactures so that women wouldn’t nouns and think that they be pregnant when they didn’t get their spell.
but im not sure if this will work in time for your break, you would need to chat to our doc. Good luck!

PCOD.any info please?

There is zilch you can really do. It is not a big deal, if you want, you can wear a tampon, or stay contained by the shallow parts of the ocean. The things you can do to craft your period "stop" are unsafe and can wound your body; which is ridiculous, I'm sure you rather your condition than an hour in the river.

My nipples hurt?

sorry theres nothin to do to make it not come its gonna come no event what, but if u want u could use tampons, but if u don't want to i'd say shift swimming anyway, i do , u can't see the blood in the water ,and its the the deep its dirty anyway, just when ur not swimming put on a wipe and wear shorts, don't let ur interval ruin ur vacation

how do u detect cancer?

I am 15 and my doctor only put me on YAZ. Its a birth control pill. Go to a gyno and ask about it. It make it regular, lighter, shorter and if you skip the reminder or sugar pills you can skip your period that month. You have need of to get on it inwardly 2 weeks or your body wont have time to adjust and you wont be capable of skip it. It makes your period on average 3 days or less. And its low dose. It costs something like $50.00 a month but my insurance covers it so its about $10.00 a month.

Good Luck

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