Condoms hurt?

I broke up with my boyfriend about 2 months ago, we be together for 3 years. I am beginning to think something like being with other guys but I come up with that I may be allergic to condoms. I have only used them on special occasions because they burn and hurt so bad, but because I am elder now than I was when I be single before, I know that most guys have be with quite a few girls and I really would ovbiously resembling to steer clear of any possible STD's. Is there anything else i can use aside from condoms? I am on the pill so am not worried about pregnancy but I dont know how I would know how to enjoy sex using condoms, and I just can't own sex with someone without them for ovbious reason.

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Unfortunately, the best way to find out the source of allergies is trial and error. Next time you use a condom, try one without spermicide (often labeled as "nonoxynol-9"). If you enjoy the same reaction next to a latex condom without spermicide, try non-latex. Both of these are pretty common allergies. Although it's a suitable idea for anyone to bring their own condoms if they think there's even a prospect they might be having sex, it is especially important if you hold allergies like this as your partner will probably not have the concerned you need.

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Whenever you have sex, you obligation to use two forms of protection for STDs AND pregnancy. The pill is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy if taken PERFECTLY according to it's instructions. Taken "not perfectly" it drops relatively a bit.

You could be allergic to latex, which is commonly used in condoms. They do make ones minus latex.

Sex examine?

Sounds like you may be allergic to latex. Try those sheep skin condoms they have (you can get hold of 'em (a) walmart.. a little more expensive, but it's worth it!) or else womanly condoms.. but I'm pretty sure those are made out of latex as well.

Congrats on using your head to avoid a possible STD! There's not abundant people out there that do! :)

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Did the condoms own spermacide on them? That could have caused the burning.
You can use non-latex condoms if it is the latex that you're allergic to.
Tojan have a brand, Trojan Supra. Hope that helps.

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have you ever tried condoms that are not latex? i know that trojan make lamb skin condoms. my friend has the same reation to latex that you own but now she uses those. try and see if those would work for you.

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truthfully condoms are the only opening of not getting STD's (not the only way to prevent pregnancy though) because they cover his cast-offs and therefore wouldnt spread to down there

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ya use lube. the more lube the better and not purely the lube from the condoms. that will help im sure.

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Two possibilities: 1. Abstinence 2. Fantasy

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use lotion, ewwww

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Well always ask them if they hold anything. trust what they say even though it might not be true. Condoms are not 100 % affective BTW. So dont rely on you not getting an STD or Pregnant off of that, happen all the time. Be Careful and dont have sex unless you are reliable you want to and you are positive he is going to protect you. Oh and tell them if they are going to "go" [bust] then verbs out right away even if they have a condom on. If they say they dont know its lying ****, guys other know. and its for their protection too so they wont become a daddy =]
goodluck sweetie!

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