How much bleeding and pain should I expect after this surgery/procedure?

I am having a cervical cyst removed (the surgery papers read aloud a legion on my vaginal wall), a D&C and a laparoscopy all done on the 18th of this month (in 2 weeks.) I am not so much upset of the surgery, moreless anxious, because I really want to know why I am bleeding all the time and have chronic pelvic dull pain, but am nervous roughly speaking how much I am going to bleed, for how long and the pain factor. I am used to have my period every 2 weeks so the bleeding isn't so much an issue, but the stomach-ache of the lapsroscopy, D&C and removal of the cyst itself. I've researched all 3 on the pattern and know I will bleed for probably a couple weeks and have agony for a while (along with no sex because of the salutary process), but I am looking for personal experiences. I know every woman is different, but has anyone ever have any of these procedures performed? I would assume no tampon use for pretty a while, especially with the removal of the cyst. Can anyone share their experience?


Please minister to me its emergency?

I have have three laparoscopies, one with a D & C, and I found them to be nought but I have a tremendously high headache tolerance. In fact the first and third time, I have the surgery on a Friday and was vertebrae to work in the E.R. on Monday. I purely had to restrain yourself from heavy lifting for a little. The second time, my surgery was on a Monday and I be back at work on Wednesday. I would enjoy went on Tuesday but you cannot return to work until you are post nonspecific anesthesia for 24 hours (this is a medical rule for everyone since anesthesia can make you too sleepy to drive or function properly until it clears your system).

The piece most people complain in the region of after the laparoscopy is the gas pain. In lay down to view your organs, during the procedure, carbon dioxide is instilled into your belly. After surgery, you may experience "gas pains" for a day or two until it adjectives dissipates.

What bothered me the most was my throat from the breathing tube (endotracheal tube) used during the procedure. The strain from the little incisions in the naval is really minimal and I took nothing for it but the doctor will any prescribe something or have you steal tylenol.

Yes, you are tampons but it is due to the D & C as much as the cyst you are having removed.

If you'd similar to to read more about it, I found a site for you i.e. in lay lingo and will tell you what to expect formerly and after:

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