this is for girls not guys!?

ok so this is sort of embarrassing but i haven't started my term and i'm 13 is that unnormal or what please help me i'm terrified!


Period 10 days late, medication or pregnancy?

I don't see why you would be startled, unless you decided to become sexually helpful before you ever go through a cycle? Anyway, if that's not the case, don't verbs. I know girls who didn't get theirs till they be 14 -16, and there's zilch wrong with them. One have had a babe-in-arms that came out totally fit. Sometimes it just depends on genes, your body size and mass and who knows what else. I give attention to you'll be fine. Take a deep breath, it's okay.

I'm bulimic and enjoy a five month old. I requirement treatment..where do I travel?

It is normal. Girls can start as soon as 9 and as unsettled as 18. Don't worry, you are fine. I didn't bring back my period until I be 14. Every one is different and you can't compare you to them. Your body will let you know when you are prepared with PMS. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome which are cramps, headache, backaches and more.

I hold brownish/pinkish discharge?

Of course it is. i got my time of year when i was also thirteen as in good health.. it is the almost perfect time to start it =]

How long will it pocket me to have a length after being on depo for 8 years? take longer for some..13 is not that long anyway

Libido non existant?

It is perfectly usual. you are just starting puberty and it take time. Believe me once you get it you will see that its no prize!!

Why I'm sense this?

I had my first period at 14. And I'm perfectly ordinary. Some girls don't get them until they are 15 (unusual, but not unheard of). Don't verbs.

How much is a Pap Smear test?

No it's not unnormal, I started at 15!

Does anyone else bring a rolling, twisting pain within their lower abdomen?

As long as you start thats whats crucial. My cousin didnt start til she was 16. Its common. Some people a moment ago start later than others. I started at age 11. Its different for girls. As long as you start earlier age 17, I wouldnt worry. Just be glad you are decent honey. You will start. Just be glad for right now that you arent starting. Once you do, its cramps and distress til menopause. LOL

Would you sign this petition?


Period Pains, what helps?

Normal. Don't verbs.


darling do not worry this is completely normal . even though i started to menstruate at 12 my best friend started at 9 and my mom started at 15, so you see it differs among women. it is average until about 17 or 18 so you call for not worry. hang on to in mind it is possible to seize pregnant still if you have unprotected sex around the time your body starts putting out eggs so be wary or better yet restrain from sexual intercourse for in a minute. be safe and be righteous and don't worry. please try and speak next to your mom or a female full-grown you trust and ask the to accompany you to a doctor to double check that you are okay.

5'6 and weights 155?

hey, i havent gottn my time of year either. im 13 and im getting worried to. but its adjectives good. i wonder what would start if you didnt get your time of year ur hole sorry, nyways, its ok, we might own it the same morning! lol. email me and we can talke!
[email protected]
my name is maria

Will my spell start soon? Girls only please!?

it is without a flaw normal. it varries depending on your immensity. i got mine when i be 12 and i weighed 115 pounds. the counterbalance limit is different for everyone. but once you achieve your intended weight, you will start and will be looking for ways to gain rid of it. but dont be scared one of my friends didnt attain it until she was almost 18 because she be so skinny. so just remember, if you start getting headache and cramps a lot more than usual, you may be getting arranged to start, and you need to relay our mom so she can get you pad so you are ready.

Horse riders and intercourse?

well,if your have sex then you might be pregnant and if your not consequently might be abnormal.that's when your time comes's on different day's of the month's.


Dont verbs it will come. Just enjoy it while it last. Some people dont start until 18. If oyu dont carry it by 17 just run get checked out to sort sure all is ably. But i would not worry. You'll be fine

Do you own to be a virgin to get the vaccine for cervical cancer?

its conventional

Late period (month late) and a virgin?

i get mine at 12, your fine :)

Does slouching affect the way your boobs grow? close to if they grow big or small?

Perfectly normal. Have your parents help yourself to you for a physical exam and express your concerns to your doctor. Girls do start their period a bit early than they used to nowdays, but don't be surprised if it takes until you're 15 or 16. If you're really runny (have low body fat) or very physically helpful that can contribute to the lateness. Eating disorders will also prolong the onset of menstruation. Talk to your parents and doctor.

Question something like vitamin d ?

Heck I didn't start till I was 18 and my Mom and Aunts adjectives started when they were 15 and 16.

Personally I meditate 13 is too early to start but that could be from my slow start.

Nuvaring users? what do you think?

chill out. girls enjoy different cycles..some people start around 11 or 12, and for sum it may appropriate until they are 14 or 15

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