I have brownish/pinkish discharge?

I just get a pap/std screening about 1 1/2 months ago, everything be normal, so its not a disease or anything, what could it be. I am aroud the middle of my cycle, my spell is not due for almost 2 weeks but when the discharge started, I had cramps. The cramps are gone in a minute, but when I wipe I have a little discharge, this have been goin on for 2 days, what could it be?

Irregular menstrual cycle and birth control is not helping?

too much info go to your doctors please

What is the great body fat % and wet weight % for a 22 year infirm female at 5ft 2in high?

Mine is usually white

I am not happy near my body and i don't think i will ever own a proper relationship!?

its your period it could be irregular very soon

which is the easiest way to loose shipment?

once, i got my length like 2 weeks after it finished and it be REALLY light. conceivably it's that. you should check with your doctor.

Signs of Anorexia?


My skin hurts what can it be?

this is a short time ago old refuse from your menstral cycle. You should be fine. it happens sometimes.

Dry eyes?

it is probably nomal but i am not sure for sure what it is sorry. it iwll go by i am sure of that

Worriedcould this mean breast cancer?

Try seeing your doctor! This could be immensely bad, but also it could be coming from ytour .

Birth control?!?!?

as long as it doesn't burn don't verbs about it. if it continues after a week, afterwards see the doc again.

Cervical biopsy?

its probably just a moment or two residual blood or your cervix could be irritated. spotting inbetween periods happen occationally. if you are really worried call you gyno

What is the difference between a uti and bacterial vaginosis?

From what you are motto it sounds like you fractured your pelvis bone.

SPOTTING 3days TWO weeks following period come on time subsequent month no period abet COULD I STILL BE PREGNANT?

that happens when i start

Am i pregnant?

First, Pap theory test are not 100% accurate, so disease can not be completely ruled out. However, there are several more feasible causes that are nil to worry nearly. Did you do any heavy lifting or enthusiastic activity past this occurred? Unusual stir can sometimes cause this. Also, touching stress can cause this sometimes. Finally, enthusiastic sex can cause this (you didn't indicate whether or not you are sexually helpful, so I don't know if this would apply to you or not). Finally, some women experience this kind of spotting around the time of ovulation, which would be give or take a few mid way between your period.
Another, less pleasant possible explanation is ovarian cystsor fibroids. These would not own been cuaght by a Pap check, but are sometimes discovered during the exam. To really diagnose these you need a sonogram.

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