Period Pains, what helps?

am i the only one that get really bad time pains? sometimes i feel so sick and solid (totally bloated at look pregnant even though im a a size 8/10!) most peopl i know can just step on with it but sometyms i be aware of so bad and look so unpromising i cant evn go out! im 18.

Every hear of menstrual pain close to this?

Go to your doctor he she can give you some painkillers that will abet, believe me most women feel similar to you do, a hot watter bottle might help or a steam patch from the chemists is really good, if you are not on the pill consequently sometimes that can help beside pain and solid blood flow . good luck as we adjectives know how it feels.

I read on a box of color,?

You are not alone, explicitly very adjectives!
Try taking Midol or another over the counter drug for PMS.

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I find adjectives caffeine (and chocolate! Waaah!), drinking lots of water and exercise really relieve. And so too does sex, though generally when I'm contained by pain, I'm not within the mood.

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if you are contained by uk you can get from gp tablets to give a hand and no pain at adjectives when taking them called ponstan they are to relax you mussles

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I have indrometrisos... which... in short... give me doubled over pain for the first couple days of my time.

When I don't have a perscribed drug from my doctor ( which you should confer to yours about) I take Tylenol arthritis. Weird.. I know.. but I swear it works. It module the pain at least possible.

good luck!

I haven't have a period contained by almost 2 months, and experiencing sore breasts.?

Try a heat pack on your lower abdomin. If the torment worsens you should talk to your doctor.

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Oh those suck. I have those for years (still do). My period comes inside a few days each month. I appropriate an over the counter pain med when i devise its about to come because i usually win killer cramps the first year. I take Ibuprofen and that works wonders. you know how it is, when you return with a period you can grasp pretty tired as well, so i lift the IB right before bed. Makes me sleep ably without have to worry if i am going to rouse up with discouraging cramps in the middle of the hours of darkness. A hot steamy bath help to relax those muscles. If you can have a heat pad beside you or even one of those heat patch. If they get concrete bad, jump see a doc because that could be a sigh of a underline problem. Good luck to you. BTW. basically be careful when you do pinch over the counter pain killer. Not a good conception to mix them UNLESS you doc tells you to. net sure you follow the directions, do not take more than it say and with alot of over the counter meds its a accurate idea to hold some food with it,

How do i describe?

There are a few things you could try: A heating wad on your lower abdomen, ibuprofen (midol and pamprin didn't work for me), and mine be so bad that I would get hold of really sick, and shake from the gynecologist put me on birth control I be 15 at the time, and it's still controlling my pain immediately and I'm 19. You may get somewhat bit of pain but no where on earth near what you own now, and your period will lessen most likely as very well. Hope one of these help!

Do u enjoy to have a pap smear even if ur not sexually busy? and does it hurt when you get it done?

one word MYDOL

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Hello, I own had tender periods since I be I was 17.
Horrible cramps, vomiting, hot flashes followed by chills, Diarrhea..The cramps second for 4 hrs. the first day individual. The other days, I'm fine..This went on for several years until I found a medication that completely took away adjectives my symptoms..You should ask your Dr. to write you a prescription for PONSTEL....250 MG. Only comes in the one strength. A blue/yellow medication. It's my miracle drug. It is a prostaglandin blocker, that is what cause the awful symptoms....some woman just produce to much and it cause extra hard cramps, etc. Ask the Dr. to discuss any allergies you could hold with the ingredients of the med. Take it next to food, it can cause stomach upset. I hold told many women going on for PONSTEL. It is expensive but worth every penny and they last a long time. I with the sole purpose need 2 the first sunshine. I take 1, four hrs. apart...That's adjectives I need a month. Do a research online for it. HOPE YOU TRY IT AND IT HELPS YOU! GOOD LUCK!
God Bless...Dixiebell
(Please permit me know if you try Ponstel and if it helps you)

help wow i enjoy alot of discharge like wut do i do it smells bleak and i get self consious soo plz serve me?

i suffer like nutty with them in that r times when i can barly stand up so no ur not the only one hon, try taking 2 paracetimol and 1 ibuprofen and any going to bed or lying on the couch with a hot marine bottle on the sorest area and drink plenty of river to help relieve the bloatedness i know this help me a little

avarts how to work?

for the cramps chammomile tea and for everything else yogi moon cycle tea the yogi tea certainly works great and gets rid of those problems contained by a day or two

Missing multiple period?

No you're not the only one who suffers this unsuccessfully,as a matter of certainty there are some general public who go through worse. For the bloating,it may in actual fact help if you drink alot of hose down.Mild exercise that includes the bending of the hip joints will back with cramps. Find out more on this site My friend told me something like it and I find that it offers some really useful information. Goodluck!

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Periods were once nickname ' the curse' you are certainly not the solely one to suffer.

There are 2 ways to go, the first is to treat respectively individual symptom. This means giving anti-inflammatories and/or antispasmodics for the cramps, anti-emetics for the nausea and diuretics for the bloating.

The alternative is hormone manipulation using any progesterones or the pill.

There is a lot of trial and error involved here, so you should pop along to your GP and discuss the options.

What will evolve when i lose it?

It ususally tones down as you get elder. put a heated pad on your lower abdominal nouns, I was told, interestingly plenty to take up excercise when the throbbing was going on for to start, it takes your mind rotten the pain, otherwise purloin a pain slayer. The pain starts and afterwards goes away on the first morning, as you get elder ie in your 20s you should enjoy pain-free periods.

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Rather than taking drugs - all of which will enjoy some side effects, try different things such as heat, cold, (indeed some culture find great relief near the application of a water bottle full of rime cold water), pressure, lying in various positions, walking, swimming etc. When you hold a list of the things that brand your pain better or worse, consult a registered homoeopath who will know how to help you. I treat this condition frequently & hold never failed to bring apt relief & surrounded by many cases cured the problem. Go to the Society of Homeopaths webpage to find a practitoner local to you. There is no origin for you to suffer this ghastly pain any more OR to lift drugs.

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The best thing to do is speech to your GP you sound close to you need to be referee to a gynaecologist, i had adjectives those symptoms too you can be prescribed a tablets that will slow the bleeding down and they may also give you some anti-inflammatory drugs for the aching I'm a lot better than i be a few years ago thanks to my Gyno

I inevitability tips for loosing weight..?

try getting some evening primrose grease tablets from the health food shop, this stuff isnt a miracle cure but i find this and a well-mannered dose of anti inflammatory and pain nouns tablets like nurofen works really brilliantly.

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400/600mg of Ibuprofen 4/6hrly, sugar free drinking chocolate and hot water bottle or boil pad within the small of your back.

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