Libido non existant?

i have be married 3+ years. I am 23 and have two kids beneath two. I havent wanted sex at adjectives, none, no thoughts about it, completely turned stale, since i was pregnant next to first. around april 05. i still have sex once every six months or so, solitary for him. it is affecting closeness of marriage. i have my second baby 11 weeks ago and havent have sex in give or take a few 4-5 months. i am on zoloft for post partem. what can i do? is it a libido problem or just commonplace? help, i use to hold an over the top sex drive. now i could attention to detail less if i ever own it again...ideas?

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This is something you want to discuss with your doctor... and possibly start seeing a mental robustness specialist. Your loss of libido could be due to the zoloft, or the PPD, or the tiredness of having 2 completely young kids, or I don`t know you're subconsciously thinking "Sex=baby... oh HE*L no". Or maybe you're unsatisfied within your relationship. It could be a lot of stuff.

Losing some of your sex drive as you age is not that exceptional, but complete loss of libido isn't normal. Talk to your doctor... once you return with your PPD in control (since to be precise probably a more serious issue than this) maybe you two can work on some solutions, any therapy or medication.

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That's what kids do to you.

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a lot of women experience loss of libido after have kids plus having post partum depression consult to your doctor ..supposedly if its loss you cant get it support it may take time

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I hold had indistinguishable problem over the last year or so...I hold not kids and am 30. I did some research and I'm thinking it's a hormonal imbalance. A of use FAQ website to look at is: I have not long been taking nutritional and endrocrine support supplements...seem to be helping a little. you should converse to your doctor and see what the recommendations are.
On the other appendage, I work in the mental robustness field...I know that depression, anti-deressants and duration stress can all affect libido. I'm sure you're worrying roughly not wanting sex also which is compounding the problem. You're probly on birth control also..all of the above affects hormones and hormone production within your body.
I would seek out medical proposal and probly start a new program to address hormones and brain chemistry...not one or the other. It seem like you enjoy a lot on your it's no wonder your body is freaking out. It feel good to find answers to what have changed with your help me feel better more or less my libido problem and also gave me a sense of direction within how to solve the problem. Not to mention that my fiance felt relieved that I be taking steps to alleviate the problems which makes him have a feeling like its a priority.
Good luck to you. I know how stressful it is.but after you hold an answer to why, you will feel more surrounded by control and eventually feel better.

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Sentia helps abundantly if a woman wants to hold higher libido. I have problems with libido after my first little one two. When he was 5 months ancient I began taking these pills and kept special diets. It help.

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Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia), also called Longjack and Pasak Bumi, is a tree that grows within Malaysia and Indonesia . The root of this tree has be used in these regions for lots years as an aphrodisiac and to treat various sexual dysfunctions. Scientific research within recent years has shown support for the libido enhancing and sexual vigour qualities of this herb.

Tongkat Ali have been shown to increase the body’s instinctive production of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Testosterone is responsible for the nouns of the male sex organs and maintain the health of those organs. It is also responsible for the mannish sex drive and secondary sex characteristics such as facial pelt and enlarging of the larynx (resulting in deepen of the voice.) Females need testosterone as ably, although not in as big a quantity as males. Testosterone is responsible for a hygienic sex drive in women and increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zone. Both males and females need testosterone to oblige stimulate the metabolism, support fat burning, produce red blood cell and stimulate muscle growth.

Ginseng may improve sexual dysfunction contained by both men and women and has be used for thousands of years in China for this purpose.

The alive ingredients, ginsenosides, are again believed to facilitate the release of nitric oxide in blood vessels which increases blood flow to the clitoris resulting better orgasms.

Ginseng is agreed to possess phytoestrogen activity and is believed to serve the body adapt to stress, which again help female libido.

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