Does anyone else get a rolling, twisting pain in their lower abdomen?

It happens mostly when I bend a unshakable way. I have surgery to remove my last remaining ovary and fibriod tumors and cysts and defect tissue about a year and a partly ago. It's been worse since consequently.

Hey im just really curious around me being pregnant again!! i own a few simple questions if anyone could back?

I've had to own a total hysterectomy also, mine was surrounded by 1994. i now hold the same problems you do, it is call IBS IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROM it is not fun to have, it will simply get worse if you don't draw from it seen in the order of!! It might just be defect tissue, which i do have alot of too, but i would still bring it checked out if i were you hon.

I dont know what this isplease sustain me!?

You need to re-visit your physician.

can you become pregnant.?

REvistit the doc. It might only be the effects of the surgery, but i'd double check!

good luck!

I worded my concluding question wrong, so here it go again..?

ditto with socrat

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