
So i got my term the day after christmas.great christmas present...right? haha and every point was fine. But i still haven't gotten another one, and its be like 3 months! Is this ok??


Can pcos inflict bleeding after intercourse?

If you are sexually active, you may be pregnant. Otherwise, hold you changed your eating behaviour, exercise routines, lost weight or be under any s tress? All of these things can lead to delayed periods. The best "cure" is to guzzle healthily and relax. The stress of worrying over missed periods can be ample to delay it futher!
Also if you are below 18, your hormone levels may not own settled down 100% yet.
So munch through well, relax, if you are sexually alive have a pregnancy trial and if you are still worryied, go own a chat to your doctor.
Good luck, and remember, dont stress!

A friend of mine has be having"partial seizures"and has to be in motion for a brain scan.Any one had matching?

it means u r stopped up and ur goin 2 die in bout 10 months

Is it desperate to wear a bra to sleep?

well how old are u?
are u sexually alive?
if u had sex around thatt ime.. u culd be pregnant..
if u are still infantile.. its ok to be ireggular..
just to be safe and sound tho.. go share your doctor

i dont have my spell and ya?

Have you taken a pregnancy test? How out-of-date are you? If you're still in your hasty teens, skipping periods for no adjectives reason is adjectives.

If you are not pregnant and older than 18, you should probably see doctor. She can run test to make sure everything is OK.

How masses women undergo C-SECTION DELIVERY surrounded by USA out of 100 mothers undergo the process of labor to deliver.?

if you are surrounded by your teens, your period is not on the other hand regular (my period didn't draw from regular til i was similar to 18!) ...but it you are sexually active it would be a apposite idea to pocket a preggers test. If this is not the overnight case, see your doc, he will do some test and will find out what is going on. thieve care..

When a guy "cums" contained by you can you actually touch it or tell when he does bust surrounded by you?

well sometimes you may start your period 6 months after similar to my sister..... have you be having sex ......My starts out one month a week subsequent month 5 days and on... and on... and on...

Ok what EXACTLY should you do if you accidentally inhale bathroom cleaners / bleach?

if you are just getting your period this is normal. if you are contained by a sexual relaionship you could be pregnant. if you are older it could be the start of menopause. if you are truly worried see a doctor.

Birth control and diarrhea?

This happen to me sometimes. if you are sexually active later you may want to take a preg. theory test (there would be other signs if you were preg.) and if you are lower than 18 then its adjectives since you body isnt use to you period. and counterbalance gain, weight loss and physical activitives can mess you menstual cycle up. if you dont draw from you period soon you should confer to a friend, you mom or you doctor.

Good luck!!

Can anal sex be harmful and do any girls in actual fact like it?

I haven't gotten my (second) for close to 6 months now! I'm kinda freaked, but I feel its normal.

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