What is wrong beside me?

i keep sentiment sick and im extreamly tiered i cant be pregnant as i was sterilized nearly one year ago i do own a underactive thoroid but i am on medication for it so i doubt it is that. i am worried about my counterbalance so i am doing a colorie counting diet but i feeling i am getting a touch bit obsessed i am getting married within august am i want to loose some weight but today i worried myself as i made my self sick after i ate i feel ashamed but at like time i feel glad that the food is not sitting inside me i discern like i am loosing control relieve.

Answers:    Yes, it sounds as if you might be losing control. You need to see a psychoanalyst right away. Do not put this off. It can lone escalate. Make that call today. If you don't know where on earth to start see you regular doctor and he can refer to to get you started. Pick up that phone and construct that call!!

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