I had sex with a girl..?

i had sex beside a girl today and when i was done i notice my penis had little indents on it(looked approaching teeth makes) is it possible her vagina bite me. were both virgens so we werent prepared for anything similar to this to happed. is this normal?

How do I convince my mom that it's time for me to shave my legs?

Ooh can I see it?

Is the Gardasil vaccine past the worst to get while pregnant?

yes its middle-of-the-road

How do you quit taking estrogen?

maybe she bit ya and you didn't notice,,,did you wear a condom??to tight??

I have my period for two days and brown discharge for a day and we have intercourse it was tender?

What do you look like bare?

I have a street lamp vaginal discharge with little odor but no distress or discomfort. what could this be?

Well you should have prearranged that all vaginas own a full set of teeth.

What brand of deodorant works the best for girls?

um dont u think this is a bit too much info

how & where can i achieve my eggs frozen?

Congratulations. Today you are a man.
You are examining things too closely. Just enjoy it.

I'm have a hysterectomy done in a few weeks, will I gain shipment or lose it after the surgery?

Gonorrhea. This bacterial infection at first may cause a slight discharge from the vagina, penis, or anus. However, if the infection is not treated, it can front to sterility and other complications. Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics.

Chlamydia. Chlamydia trachomatis is recurrently called "the silent epidemic" because infections are adjectives yet copious people do not realize that they are infected. This bacterial disease is effortlessly cured with antibiotics but can own serious health consequences if not here untreated.

Syphilis. Syphilis is a bacterial infection that can be easily missed. The first symptom is a painless blister or sore that will disappear on its own. Syphilis can be treated near antibiotics. However, if left untreated, the disease can spread throughout your body over the course of copious years and cause considerable organ hurt.

Trichomonas. Trichomonas vaginalis is a microscopic parasite that may or may not cause symptoms. Treatment is available.

Human papillomavirus (HPV). One of the most adjectives STDs in the United States, this virus can infect the genital nouns, causing genital wart (condyloma), and has be associated with cervical cancer. Early detection can control the risk of cancer.

Genital herpes. This virus causes everyday, periodic outbreaks of sores surrounded by the genital region and remains in you body for life. However, near are anti-viral therapies available that can shorten the duration of symptoms.

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. These are viral infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact. Hepatitis B and C affect the liver and can severely spoil it. Treatment with interferon is available, but this drug psychotherapy may have serious side effects.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV is associated next to AIDS. This virus attacks and destroys certain white blood cell (T-helper lymphocytes) that are involved in the immune system. As the number of these cells is reduced, the skilfulness of your body to fight bad infections also decreases. This eventually results contained by death. Although nearby is no cure, early detection allows for treatment next to anti-viral therapies that can aid to prolong life.

What should i do beside this thrush?

Ha ha ha!...U crack me up! DUDE!...Yeah but seriously...All vaginas have a set teeth.(DUH!).April FOOLS!...ha ha ha...She bite yah!...WHOOO!...Di hardest I've laugh in a while thank yah!

Pregnant and a moment ago felt a lump down at hand?

It is normal from what I hear. Check out these sites for a better penetration.


I ASKED A girl out and she couldnt go and at a football winter sport all these girls be like You asked her out?w2do

NO VAGINAS CANT BITE! wow not trying to be be going to but if u think vaginas can bite than ur probably not antediluvian enough to be have sex. .. and far as the indentions(not biting ) probably since this was yall 1st time than her hole be so small ur penis was easier said than done to get and have to get squished some. or her curls could have scratched but anyways flawless luck wit that . :)

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