Is there a self-test for URINARY TRACT INFECTION?

i heard somebody talkin that you can trial yourself if you think that you get UTI.


well, sorta: start drinking plenty of cranberry liquid. if symptoms get better, near's you're answer. (Cranberry juice works everytime to clear up a UTI.)

ps.smarty slacks be talking something like a yeast infection, not a UTI.

Stomach fat?

You dream up you have one, you probably do.
turn to the doc.

What is AIDS?

If it hurts to pee then it's perfect enough for me!

my wife have got a disese call thrush what is this ? and how did she get it?

Yeah. Go pee. Does it hurt? Yes? See a doc.

3 weeks overdue for my period?

signs and symptoms


likelihood are u have a uti. move about see the doc for some meds! and drink plenty of water, receive ample amounts of vitamin c. avoid coffee and alcohol until it clears up!

I'm on a kinda like a giant for some reason, I didnt do anything though.Whats wrong beside me?

If you had one you would no!!

if manly insert his organ to the vagina of female but near condom then is it loose the virginaty of womanly?

yes, you go to the doctor and they'll own you pee in a cup

Weight gain after pregnancy? (post pregnancy bulk gain)?

There probably is but like eveything else in vivacity if a professonal doesn't do it then it will probably pause up wrong.

Im on this site and I have a interrogate?

I've never heard that and I don't dream up so. If you think you enjoy one then shift to the Dr. that way you can find a prescription for antibiotics to get rid of it.

Breast Feeding?

If its a burnin'.after you got it.

But yes..near are over the counter test.
Walmart and Rite Aid carry them.

Lots of Cranberry, Yogurt and Cranberry Vitamins.

Well my best friend is using a vibrater for her vagina.. and she said that?

yea like the other soul said if it hurts when u pee you probably have it. I hold always used one time creams u inject b4 you sleep and pee it out in the morning when you stir up. everything cleared up after.

I am having cramps two weeks until that time my period, i dont regard as its ovulation cramps.?

Yes, there is.and here's a interconnect about it.

My give somebody the third degree is about yeast infectionscan drinking too various cokes and no water impose this?

Yes--does it burn when you pee?

Seriously though, there are several indicators of a UTI. Fever, headache, burning when peeing, thick mucus close to sediment in the urine, blood in the urine, night amber color . however, you have to turn to a dr to get an Rx anyway, and he's going to check your urine regardless, because a UTI can also be a symptom of an STD--I am NOT saying you are a promiscuous party.

How can i gain weight nippy?

No, there really is not.

Symptoms similar to burning on urination, urinary frequency and urgency, and cloudy urine point in that direction, but a urinalysis is cheap and non invasive and can tell you what might really be going on in within. Go visit your vigour care provider.

Good luck!
Bill Findlay, MD

Heavy Menstrual Cycle and interim vision loss?

Yes you can buy them at CVS and wal-greens

What's a well-mannered exicerse to start with if you haven't exicersed contained by yrs?

you can have a UTI even short the burning.

This is only a self - assessment untill you can buy one.

Good indicator is your urine itself.

Pee in a clear cup and check the color. should be light pale.

check if you can see thru.. you should.

check if foam is on the urine when you peed. should not ( indicator for protein-- not good either)

check the smell ( yes, you can do it) you know what everyday urine smells like, everything foul, fruity. see the doc.

agree to the urine sit for a while, hopefully nothing will settle down

everything else bring back checked, you need the Doc. anyway.

Is this everyday?

does it burn when you pee? does is feel resembling you got to pee and it come out little? thats a uti permit them check your urine for blood.

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