What would a 3-4 week miscarriage look approaching?
This is really embarrassing for me.?
My friend have miscarried twice at the 3-4 week stage this year. She had starchy bleeding, clots, and white fatty looking tissue. There would not be a formed fetus at only 3-4weeks.
If you move about to a doctor they can do tests to determine if you be pregnant.
Best of luck.
Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo expections in the first month?
there would be some evidence of the fetus too =sorryThere be a life - I wonder what the being would have looked approaching .
reference the movie beside howard stern call private parts
I guess approaching a dead kid. It would probably have eyes and ears developed, a skipper, but no soul yet. :(
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May not look close to anything but a clot and tissue. If it miscarries it may have be because it didn't develop normally. If here is heavy bleeding or clots for a few days after in that may be some retained tissue in the uterus and it can continue to bleed or become infected. The human being would need to jump to the doctor.Questions about birth control pills?
I own had an untimely miscarriage twice. Both times I would never have prearranged I was pregnant have I not taken an early pregnancy tryout because I had be charting. In most cases, it looks just resembling a normal period- probably a bit on the heavy side. Most women experience miscarriage unknowingly at some point during their reproductive years.at 3 to 4 weeks its not even formed but,, looksmore like a piece of grissle.. you bleed, similar to a heavy length and clotty and cramps bad but thats it,, you will probably flush it down the toilet and not even see anything,,
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