
i m a 13 year old girl i have my period when i be 10 is that a reason i get so fater
another question my time of year is about 10 feeble is that normal for my age

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Dear Lovely Person,

The average age for periods to start among girls is described as 12. But it can start as hasty as 8 also. We can generalise that between 8 to 16 years of age, girls can start their menses. So in your grip if periods started at 10, in recent times nothing to verbs. It is just majority.

Moreover, it also depends upon a persons personal robustness, genetics, kinfolk history etc.

As far as your obesity part of the pack is concerned, you should be careful even at this stage. Obesity can be due to several reason. In many cases thyroid, genes, a people life style, exercise pattern, food habits etc. play a role. But mortal obese is just not suitable. Later on in enthusiasm, it may bring along a thousand other health hazard.

So take support now. Be disciplined. Start regular exercise. Take concern of your food habits. Stop, if you are have junk food, pizzas and cokes and fries, and burgers etc. Dont sit for long hours. Dont study TV or sit in front of the computers for more than 30 minutes at a stretch.

O.K ? And well-mannered luck.

Dr. A. Kumar

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Please rewrite your question, I don't get.

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You don't get hold of fat because of your interval. And relax, doctors say the first extent is normal between 9-17!! But if you really cogitate that your hormones are the reason your solidity your have to walk to the doctor!

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During puberty, a girl's body changes contained by many ways. You are shifting into a woman, you have to acknowledge that. You grow hips and breasts, and you do gain substance - that's a natural constituent of 'growing up'. So don't worry going on for your body right now, although it might be complex not to - you'll start seeing a beautiful body when you hit sixteen! :-)
Also, period being 10 days elderly isn't abnormal, so stop worrying! =)


Sounds approaching you just matured in advance - that is why you started your spell at 10 years. Many girls are starting their periods quicker - I have hear it is from better nutrition these days. Gaining counterweight is the body's way of making the woman be capable of bear children and supply them. Watching what you eat (more fruits, veggies and smaller quantity fatty stuff like candy, chips, etc) can comfort in the immensity category. Exercise more, walks and sports are a great instrument to keep weightiness under control. I hold seen oodles 10 year old girls beside their periods and it is conventional for them. We are each individually different and ripened at our own pace.

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i was 10 when i get my period too. I be really fat when i be 10 then when i get boobs and stuff i slimmed way down. when i be 10 i didnt do as much physical activity and i have a really low metabolism and was growing taller any more, so i changed my intake habits. Just do more physical amusement and eat better foods. You can draw from your period at age 9 anyway its ordinary.

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I am trying to understand your query. If you are asking why you got rotund, it is not because of having period. It is probably because you are overeating and not getting enough exercise. What are you asking in your second give somebody the third degree? If you are asking if it is normal to start have periods at 10, that would be somewhat young but not uncharacteristic. Talk to your mother or teacher or academy nurse. They can answer your questions.

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If you grain you gain too much weight contained by the past 3 years start playing a sport. Keep your consumption habits in good health. Stay away from caffeine like soda, chocolate, and sugary drinks. This may do your period to flow heavier. The commonplace range of days your spell flows is anywhere between 3-10 days. Try expressing your concern to a relative, maybe your mother, aunt or grandma. For other dilemnas a college counselor is always here to help near everyday questions. Or better nonetheless a doctor would be good choice. Good Luck!

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Your body will variation many times in the past old age. Your plump is probably baby flab and with somewhat more activity it will even out into some rank (dont ask for inches!) and dont go overboard to loose immensity because you need to grain energetic for what enthusiasm throws your way...Do be sensible.
As for starting your term at age ten...Some start early, some following...Only your primary physician can tell or not? When I be younger the age was thirteen thru sixteen. Then during my child raise days it moved back to eleven or twelve years of age for girls...
Depends on factor. Best to talk to nurse surrounded by primary care physician department...

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