my wife has got a disese called thrush what is this ? and how did she get it?


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Vaginal Thrush
Many women own an occasional bout of thrush. Treatment is usually easy and impressive. However, some women have periodic bouts of thrush which may need longer courses of treatment.

What is thrush?

Thrush is an infection cause by a yeast called Candida. Small numbers of Candida commonly live on the skin and around the vaginal nouns. These are usually harmless. The immune system and the safe bacteria that as a rule live on the skin and in the vagina usually stop Candida from thriving. However, when conditions are good for Candida, it multiplies and may invade the vagina and basis symptoms.

The conditions Candida likes best are melt, moist, airless parts of the body. This is why the vagina is the most common site for Candida infection. Other areas of the body which are prone to Candida infection include the groin, the mouth, and the nappy area in babies.

What are the symptoms of vaginal thrush?

Thrush is the second most adjectives cause of a vaginal discharge. (The most adjectives cause of vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis.) The discharge is usually creamy white, but is sometimes liquid. It can cause itch, glow, discomfort, or pain around the outside of the vagina. Sometimes symptoms are minor and clear up on their own. Often symptoms can be rather irritating and will not go minus treatment.

Thrush does not damage the vagina, and it does not spread to smash up the uterus (womb). If you are pregnant it will not harm your tot.

Who gets vaginal thrush?

More than partially of all women enjoy at least one bout of thrush surrounded by their life. In most cases it develops 'out of the blue' for no adjectives reason.

However, undisputed factors can trademark thrush more likely to develop. The vagina contains mucus and some safe bacteria which oblige to defend the vagina from Candida (and other germs). These colloquial defences may be altered or upset by enduring situations. For example: when you are pregnant, if you have diabetes, or if you thieve antibiotics.

People with a poor immune system are also more imagined to get thrush. For example, ancestors on chemotherapy, on high dose steroids, near AIDS, etc.

Do I need any test?

Do not assume a vaginal discharge is thrush. If you have never have thrush before, next see a doctor or nurse for advice on treatment. A doctor or nurse may examine you. No test may be necessary if the symptoms and signs are typical. However, the doctor or nurse may hold a small sample of the discharge next to a swab if the cause of the discharge is not clear. This is sent to the lab to confirm the do of infection.

If you have have thrush in the recent past and the same symptoms recur, consequently it is common practice to treat it short an examination or test. Many women know when they have thrush and treat it themselves. However, see a doctor or nurse if symptoms are different to what you expect, of if the symptoms do not clear near treatment.

What are the treatment options for thrush?

Topical treatments
There are mixed pessaries and creams which you insert into the vagina with an applicator. They contain anti-yeast medicine such as clotrimazole, econazole, fenticonazole, or miconazole. Commonly, a single large dose inserted into the vagina is sufficient to clear a bout of thrush. However, you may also want to rub some anti-yeast cream onto the skin around the vagina for a few days, especially if it is itchy. You can receive topical treatments on prescription, or you can buy them at pharmacies. Side-effects are uncommon, but read the product sign for full information.

Two options are available. Fluconazole, which is taken as a single dose, or itraconazole which is taken as two doses over the course of soon. You can get these treatments on prescription, and you can also buy fluconazole from pharmacies in need a prescription. Side-effects are uncommon, but other read the product label for full information. Do not filch these if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. You may also want to rub some anti-yeast cream onto the skin around the vagina for a few days, especially if it is itchy.

Tablets and topical treatments are equally effective. Tablets are more convenient, but are more expensive than topical treatments.

What if treatment does not work?

If you still own symptoms after a week from starting treatment, see your doctor or nurse. Treatment does not clear symptoms in up to 1 in 5 cases. Reasons why treatment may fail include:

The symptoms may not be due to thrush. There are other cause of a vaginal discharge. Also, thrush can occur at indistinguishable time as another infection. You may need test such as a vaginal swab to clarify the cause of the discharge or other symptoms.
Most bouts of thrush are cause by Candida albicans. However, about 1 contained by 10 bouts of thrush are caused by other strains of Candida such as Candida glabrata. These may not be so effortlessly treated with the usual anti-yeast medicine.
You may not have used the treatment correctly.
You may enjoy had a early recurrence of a contemporary thrush infection. (This is more likely if you are taking antibiotics, or if you hold undiagnosed or poorly controlled diabetes.)
Some other points about thrush

'Natural' remedies for thrush include: live yoghurt inserted into the vagina; tally vinegar or bicarbonate of soda to a bath to alter the tartness of the vagina; tampons impregnated near tea tree oil. However, nearby is little scientific evidence that these remedies are forceful.
Thrush is not a sexually transmitted infection. Candida is a germ which commonly occurs on the skin and vagina. For reason not quite clear, it sometimes multiplies to motive symptoms.
Male sexual partners do not stipulation treatment unless they have symptoms of thrush on their penis. Symptoms within men include redness, itch, and soreness of the foreskin and the principal (glans) of the penis. Women do not 'catch' thrush from men who hold no symptoms.
Thrush occurs more commonly surrounded by pregnant women, and can be more difficult to clear. It can take several days of topical treatment to clear thrush if you are pregnant.
Some women develop rhythmic thrush. This is defined as four or more times a year. If this occurs, see your doctor for warning on preventative treatment.

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thrush is cause by can form in any internal waterway and is easily cleared up

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I've never have thrush, but have hear women can get it from taking antibiotics. It's cause by bacteria. Babies sometimes achieve it in their mouths because they're drinking from bottles. That's what I know roughly speaking thrush.

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It's a sexually transtimted disease.

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its a yeast infection - candida cause it. its in every womans vagina, when wild, the bugs cause thrush. its not so much a disease than a symptom. self-conscious but highly 'curable' - report her to get some canesten cream and pessaries.

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Thrush is caused by a fungus call Candida albicans. This organism lives in your mouth and is usually kept surrounded by check by healthy organisms that also live in that. However, when your resistance to infection is low, the fungus can grow, leading to lesion in your mouth and on your tongue.

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Thrush is a yeast infection not a disease. Usually occurs surrounded by babies in their mouths, but they can get hold of in their diaper nouns too.

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It's not a disease, it's lately a yeast problem and easily treated! Has she be on antibiotics recently? They repeatedly cause thrush

FOR WOMEN ONLY: do any of you own problems with tampons?

It is not sexually transmitted!

People who hold never had sex can achieve thrush !

Its is a yeast infection and can be due to washing powder or cotton knickers!

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its a bacterial infection of the mouth and normally babies capture it

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thrush is a yeast infection in the mouth its usually in ppl who have long occupancy illness or or prone to infections

Signs !!?

thrush is slickly treatable. she will need to bring back Caneston from the chemist. Its not a disease ! She could have it because of some of the following..wearing polyester trousers,on antibiotics, have rough sex, thrush is a bacterial infection,men get it too so if you hold been have unprotected sex with her afterwards you will prob have it too(males usually enjoy no symptoms) so you could be passing it support to her.

Get cream, make sure she can ''breathe'' down nearby,as being hot and sweaty in recent times helps thrush stir on and on. u get the cream on you too by the track, u have to if she have it or it will be a forever problem. Everyone gets it..iv have it loads, its no big deal. Just totally unendurable and better treated quick.

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my little boy got this is similar to little white sores on his tongue and mouth and direahha and all that great stuff.. it is usually picked up at resembling is from similar to getting the bacteria on your hand from a water fountain or something .it is adjectives.and contagious so that is why she get it..

How can you tell if you are run down contained by yourself ?

Errrm.this is not a disease, it is something to celebrate. It is something you detain off worthy friends, very biddable friends. I am your wife's friend. It is a symbol of friendship.
Yours...the milkman..aka Questionator

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Thrush is a bacterial infection, Can be stress related.. It is easily cleared up but can be caught also.

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A mouth rinse of yogurt and wet with live helpful bacteria cleared it up for a friend within about 3 days. You can swallow after rinsing, because it is all pure. Candida albicans is a fungus, not a bacteria, although the acidophilous germs found in yogurt is a instinctive preventative.

For basic information on yeast, check out the yeast correlation at

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it means she have been have anal sex with tramps..she have about 6 months to live,and surrounded by that six months all her limb will fall sour and her hair will grow 4 foot a daylight and turn blue.she will loose all control over her muscles and be in motion about slapping individuals while shouting i shot the sherriff..i think!! or she could purely have a yeast infection.

What to dopain?

It is a yeast infection that will circulate in her body until she take meds to kill it.
Anyone can grasp it but babies, breastfeeding mothers & people beside weak immune systems grasp it the most.

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Oral thrush is a disorder cause by infection of the mouth with the fungus (yeast) Candida albicans.

Causes, incidence, and risk factor Return to top

The mouth normally contains abundant microorganisms. One of these normal microorganisms is the fungus Candida albicans, which is one and the same fungus associated with vaginal yeast infections or other Candida infections. The growth of Candida is as a rule kept under control by the presence of usual bacteria.

Uncontrolled overgrowth of Candida within the mouth may be caused by factor that reduce the innate resistance, such as illness, stress, long-term use of corticosteroids or medication that suppress the immune system, and immune disorders such as (AIDS).

It may also be caused by conditions that upset the stability of normal microorganisms contained by the mouth. This is most commonly associated with use of antibiotics, but it may also go off with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and near the hormonal changes associated beside pregnancy or the use of birth control pills.

Oral thrush is most common within infants and toddlers, in the elderly, and in people who are laid up or whose immune system has be suppressed by disease or medical treatments.

Thrush in infants is adjectives and is usually not associated with other diseases. Infant thrush that resists treatment or recur frequently should raise suspicions for an underlying disorder.

In adolescents, youthful adults, and middle age adults, an oral Candida infection should other be viewed as a possible symptom of an underlying medical problem, such as diabetes or HIV infection, and should be evaluated.

Symptoms Return to top

* Ulcer/skin lesion in the mouth (usually on the tongue or inner cheeks)
o Painful
o Slightly raise area
o Creamy white appearance
o May appear curd-like ("cottage cheese" appearance)
* Dry mouth

Signs and tests Return to top

An nouns of the mouth by the health assistance provider or dentist shows distinctive lesions of the mouth, tongue, or cheeks. Lesions are well brushed away revealing a reddened, tender nouns that may bleed slightly.

A microscopic examination of tissue from a lesion can confirm Candida infection, but usually the diagnosis is made by simple physical nouns.

Treatment Return to top

Can masturbation cause infections?

thrush is not a disease neither is it atypical from babies to men and women Mouth and around genitals of both sexes vaginal and anus infections cured by ointments or solutions

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I had this and according to my GP although the initial grounds of it is not through sexual contact, it is possible to transmit it by sex to one's partner - therefore it's defining that as well as her using the cream (caniston or doesn`t matter what your GP prescribes) you should also use it at the same time, even if you don't own symptoms.

Girls PLease answer!?

Its not a disease plumb! She's been consumption too much white bread and too many doughnuts. Cut down on yeast and she wont be have to bathe contained by yoghurt anymore.
Its an infection caused by ingestion too much of one thing and not obedient stuff.

Ladies only!?

Thrush is an infection cause by the organism Candida, there are lots of different species of it. Vaginal thrush can in recent times occur due to use of antibiotics or simple change in the usual vaginal flora which can occur during a women's time. Thrush can also affect just roughly speaking every other area surrounded by the body, it's normally treated via anti fungal medication such a nyastin, fluconazole it really depends on the site on the body. Candida is normally treated slightly easily and should solitary give motivation for concern if it is isolated form the person's blood stream or the individual has a problem beside their immune system

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thrush is not a std so don't worry you can receive it from bubble bath wash powders man made knickers you should stick to cotton antibiotics do cause thrush too i basically got something for mine after i have a infection get her to drink plenty of cranberry liquid

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It is a fungal infection related to the same type as athlete's foot. Babies are commonly born with oral thrush. It is one of the most adjectives infections in the body. Whilst it can be passed on through intercourse, it is not a sexually transmitted disease. It occurs contained by women when the balance of innate bacteria present within the vagina are disturbed and go into overdrive, producing a white, gummy discharge and sometimes causing soreness and itching.

Some women are more prone to it than others. You can only develop it from being run down, but other adjectives triggers are; wearing tight jeans, wearing nylon tights, using perfumed soaps and tub gels, using feminine deodorants, around the time of the woman's time of year, using bubble bath, wearing non-cotton underwear and taking antibiotics.

It is well cleared up with Canesten cream, the combination of pessary and cream are best, as they achieve the infection deep down, if its really bleak a one off dose of oral canesten clears it up really very well. The cream should be used for two weeks, even if all symptoms hold gone. If you and your wife have have intercourse while she has the infection, you should be treated as powerfully, as even though you may have no symptoms whatsoever, you could still hold it and pass it vertebrae to her. Symptoms you may notice are glow, itching or soreness on your penis.

Please remember, it is not a sexually transmitted disease in itself, though it can be passed that way. More potential she got it from one of the reason above, it in no style indicates that your wife is having an affair.

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I'm suspecting that you are discussion about Vaginal thrush.It can begin from taking anti-biotics,hormonal imbalance,contraceptive pills,too much fry and moisture in the groin nouns,coming to the end of a length but it is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Treatment can be gotten from over the counter.Preventative measures of wearing cotton underwear,use unscented bath soaps when wash.Wash underwear in hot hose down.Treating partner so he cannot reinfect her.

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Maybe you did'nt bathe your 'wotsit' before you made love and give her thrush!
Its a yeast infection and many woman draw from it during their menst cycle, sometimes every month!
If she has it within her mouth, she should see a doc for perscription to clear it up and to double check there is no other bug.

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