Why do I have, once a year, a 48 day cycle?

I have a 48 year cycle about once a year, which is the scariest time within my life since I am sexually influential. I was only just wondering why, because my cycles are usually between 30 and 34 days. I havent had a everyday month since I started my period contained by the 8th grade. It's sometimes 28 days, sometimes 32 sometimes 35 .its' in recent times weird. But 48 days.thats merely scary.

What did the Dr. voice after you told them that you has two menses surrounded by one month?

Women can have extra-long cycles resembling this. The common misconception is that every woman's cycle is 28 days and that she will other ovulate on day 14. Of course this is not the crust.

Your menstrual cycle is hormone driven, and you might have some sort of disparity or problem. You could also have ovarian ccycts which would also affect all along your cycles. A few years ago I was have long cycles and extreamly heavy period, I was miserable! I go on the pill and things cleared up nicely.

The book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" http://www.tcoyf.com can also school you how to track your cycles and fertility signs so you don't have to walk thru this panic every month. Also, you might consider a frank discussion beside your GYN and see about have your hormones checked. If they find you are out of balance, they can perscribe you hormone psychoanalysis or the pill to get on a regualr cycle. In my overnight case I had too much testsoterone and not satisfactory progesterone (yes women have testosterone within their systems).

Good luck.

Have you heard of taking Acidiphillous vitamins to oblige keep away BV & Yeast infections?

i can step an entire 6 months without a pop in from aunt flo. Mine is associated with cysts and things tho. Have you be to a doctor?

Losing weight while pregnant?

I don't know going on for your cycle, but mines a Kawasaki!
I'll race ya any time!

How long after you become pregnant does morning sickness start?

omg.. hold you talked to your doctor? you may hold hormone imbalance or something.

if u woke up one morning and your butt be sore would u tell anyone?

You NEED to run to Dr. or OBGYN.
To get checked out.

Please relief (breast problem)?

go to your gynecologist immediately this could be perilous,i don't understand why you would not ,that does not nouns normal girl

ive basically found out im pregnant but have really unpromising stomach pain?

Anything between 20-36 dys is considered "normal". It sounds resembling maybe a hormonal disparity. I would check with my doc to rule out cysts or fibroids or something grotesque like that.

Who belives abortion is right and why and should it be trial or not.?

I have that problem too. Although it is not as worrisome for me since I don't have sex beside anyone I am not ready to lift up a baby near. I don't know if it happens once a year, but occasionally I will skip a month. My gyn doctor said it's no big agreement.

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