Well my best friend is using a vibrater for her vagina.. and she said that?

it feels moral...what should i do?


Help please!?!?

its definetely normal for your friend to hold one, dont freak out on her! it is better than her running around with different boys to bring the same hunch right? many girls and women own them.

How dangerous is it to shave down nearby?

Nothing as it is a vibrator and lots of women use them.

sperm maturity?

What should you do around what?

I take birth controls pills, and I simply noticed that I'm a year ahead! I took my Wednesday pill YESTERDAY!?

believe her it does!

REALLY WORRIED!! please help me, i'd really appreciate it?

Get one too.

how do i know if i am pregnant while nursing?


Maybe I should own had a check up?

Try it yourself...

What is virginal membrane flawless for?What is the function of the hymen?

learn about your body...you will find the pleasure spots that brand you feel a solid way. and plus...check on the trellis...there are squirt sites that may relief you.. good rubbin

What could incentive a woman having strange pains below here belly?

Give it a try if it feels well-mannered do it

How do you get bigger breasts?or clear it look like you enjoy bigger breast?

Listen to your very learned friend.

I love it "using a vibrator for her vagina" That's the funniest way I've every hear someone say "masturbating."

i ate my girlfriend out and she have a yeast infection and im mad.?

Sounds approaching a KODAK moment to me.

what are the characteristis of endometriosis could explain these in detail?

What do you want to do? Using a vibrator on your body parts isn't hurting anyone. If you want to try it yourself, buy one and try it. I wouldn't use hers. If you don't believe in that, that's okay, it's a healthy raw release of a lot of individuals and if she enjoys her, after let her own her fun.

Why cramps?

I am not sure what you mean by "what should I do". Should you try one also? Yes, it is truly very regular for women to use them. Either alone or with a partner.

What is going on beside my body?

she is masturbating, something most people do beside their hands or fingers. does her vibrator smell close to tuna? tee hee

Can I pocket tylenol when taking fosomax?

What should you do about what? Her using a vibrator? Nothing, for cripes sake. Or what should you do--you expect should you go buy one? Well, shift ahead. I just don't draw from what your question is?

How can I lose solidity?

vibrators have be around 4 ever yes they do feel apt don't knock it until u try it

Stretch Marks?

nothing its got nothin 2 do next to u what she does..but y dont u try it

Missed periods..what is run of the mill?

Do nothing. It is usual...you might want to try it too.

Can light menstural bleeding anticipate you're pregnant?

I guess you don't really need to do anything. It is her decree. I don't believe it will hurt her physically. I hear that many women use them.

I involve to have a orgasm ASAP?


What is HIV? And why do we capture it and how is it bad for you?

If you are asking next you should probably get one for yourself. There are plenty of different option out there. Good Luck

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