is it ok that my new gyno is a black woman?


Can a females get impossible to tell apart sexual dieases doing oral sex on each other?

Yeah. Watch your purse.

Do you feel trans-fat oil should be expelled?

Twatwaffle.. hmm, I am assuming that this question is a practical joke.


yes, it is fine.

Girls only: Do I own a yeast infection or something else?

why not? should that make any difference at adjectives? i don't think so.

Ladies Only PleaseWell unless you know something like this?

And why wouldn't it be?

Do you have a problem beside people of different skin color or religion or something? In adjectives circles this is referred to as RACISM.

What hormone is inhibited by the production of progesterone?

Yes, If she is an expert to treat you & solve your problem.

Girls embarissing question?

umm.. yeah it is ok who concern what color she is as long as shedoes a good chore and treats you well

Is this usual?

Im sure she is very qualified or she wouldnt be nearby

how do i know when im ready to hold sex?

dont be racist, we are all indistinguishable on the inside!!

what do you mean when you are bleeding when have sex?

A doctor is a doctor with a amount and color should not be looked upon. Get over it. Some of my good friends are black and I couldn't ask for any better friends.

Please women answer and no rude remarks read below:--?

Of course!!She is a Physician and she have pledged an oath of office.......My dear, your sound out is a prime example to the ignorance (not you)( I think you may be naieve) of not conception or trusting another race by copious, many population!!
Would you have asked like peas in a pod question if the female doc was japanese, or hispanic?
Trust her! She will probably become your favorite doctor of adjectives time. good luck

How much time inevitability to make smug to a women in an intercourse?

of course its ok

Should states automatically prefer on abortions?

In a gyno, I would look for a sympathetic listener, perhaps a woman who have gone through what you are going through, as well as a skilled clinician next to a good teaching background. Some of this you cannot determine until you shift to the office and see the credentials on the wall, or collaborate to the doctor.

These qualifications are irrespective of a human being's skin color. But we all hold our fears and prejudices. If you are uncomfortable next to the thought of a male gyno, or a gyno of a different see, for whatever your reason are, contact the medical group/insurance company and see what other gynocologists are available. Of all medical disciplines, gyno is the most personal to most women, and anyone comfortable with your doctor is significant.

Can Alavert interact with Yasmin or affect it in any means of access?

Is this a stoopid racist question or what?

I usually hold my period for a together weekis this normal?

A pious doctor, nice to you, cares in the order of you.what difference does it make?

If YOU enjoy a problem with it, embezzle your racist a** to another doctor.

URGENT! How effective are tampons when swimming?

it really does not situation. That's like asking " Is it OK to date a Caucasian, Chinese, Indian, Puerto Rican, Dominican etc Man/ Woman even though you are not Caucasian,Chinese, Indian, Puerto Rican, Dominican etc Be for unadulterated. Like an old maxim,"Don't judge the book by its cover unless you read it."

Any advice/personal experience beside Vitex Agnus Casta?

Uh, yeah. Why not? Color has nil to do with how qualifed someone is. (Or anything else for that concern!)

What diet changes should a woman breed after loosing her gall bladder?

What open-handed of of stupid question is this. What do you suggest black people aren't smart? I connote where does this come from?

Whats wrong next to my period?

Isn't she a licensed Dr.? What difference does it construct? If you have such a chief problem with your Gyn anyone a black woman then why don't you pinch your butt (literally) someone else. It is very simple to do. I am pretty sure she would not lose sleep or money because you settled to leave because of her skin color. Geez, grow up please.

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