Should states automatically decide on abortions?

Very scary item, here is an article about it.

girlz just plz?

I'll probably be in the minority here, but I agree near the article. A woman used her choice when she had sex. If she didn't want a toddler, don't do it. Abortion is just another channel people can be irresponsible.

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i don't wanna read, but in class we had a debate, i'm prolife, and really, you don't know who or what the kid will be and it might never get that choice, so i chew over that states shouldn't decide right away because it's something like human mortality does life fire up at birth or before? that's what they're asking so really, at hand needs to be open thought into it.

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No. The policy (federal, state, local) needs to stay the F#%@ out of peoples medical conditions.

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no, it should be left up to populace to use their free will.. i am COMPLETLY pro life! but i strongly believe surrounded by one being competent to make that verdict themselves... thats what this country was founded upon.

Itching have come back!?

Anti relations have no flexibility even when rape and rape from relatives is concerned.. There MUST be some flexibility. As a tutor, I don't want the state to determine absolutes, but some kids shouldn't fetch a baby and own to be counciled to prevent guilt.

Do u know about Bras?

No. You should be capable of make your own choice in the region of something like that. If you don't want to enjoy a baby, not a soul should make you. If you want to hold one but give it up, fine. If you want to own one and keep it, fine. But what I'm clich?? is, other people should not prefer what you do to your body reguarding issues like this.

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