What diet changes should a woman make after loosing her gall bladder?

My wife had her brass neck bladder removed and has trouble loosing weightiness. I was told that immediately her body doesn't process fats the bearing it used to and that certain diet change need to be made and specific supplements inevitability to be taken but no real concrete details after that.
please help.


She stipulation to stop with the sugar, pops, and fired foods, put away a lot of cook foods, drink tea green tea very little sugar, and exercise.
she will see the mass start to come off.

Tampon brands?

my aunt have that done and she found that she couldn't digest very greasy or slippery foods anymore. she stuck to a mainly lacto-vegetarian diet with more fish than meat, undemanding on the fats and oil and lots of water to drink to facilitate flush out whatever stayed trailing. i'm not a doc but i know when you take out deeply of fat from the diet you entail to put back the essential ones resembling vitamins E and the omegas 3 and 6. a well rounded multi should cover it.

Breast Pain?

You really can parley to a Doctor and get much better information I'm sure.If near a weight problem possibly it's not the removal of the gall bladder at adjectives.It could be something else.Check it out...

I went to my gyno today, she said i might hold polyps, so i need a sonogram. anyone ever have them?

I had my gallbladder removed closing year. My doctor told me I should eat a on the edge diet. She should eat the recommended amout offruits and veggies and little red meat. Stay away from the twinkies. That is the diet I follow right presently and I seem to be doing resourcefully on it. She could also talk to the doctor for more info.
I hope this help.

Just wondering girlssss?

okay im 14 an di ahd my gall bladder out almost a month ago im still iin some misery. I cant eat extreamly fatty foods or foods full of sugar. ive be drinking FUZE and ive been ingestion lots of fruits and grains and ive dropped 1 pant size


please hold her consult her surgeon. she should be able to return to indistinguishable diet if it was low tubby and had constrained fried foods. each individual responds differently. i couldn't eat anything sharp, made with cow's milk, or beans after my surgery. today, i can chomp through everything but cow's milk.

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