could i be pregnant?

i was taking Depo-provera for nearly 4 years be due to getmy last injection mid-june but contracted not to continue next to it. For the last month I enjoy been getting really tired, hold really sore breasts which has never happen before and my skin is breaking out in spots. I've not have a period since starting the injection 4 years ago. Could these symptoms be a side effect of stopping the injection or could i be pregnant. I already hold a child and didn't feel resembling i do now.


I havent ovulated this month all the same and my period is surrounded by a about 9 days?

I enjoy been on Depo Provera for almost 10 years. I go through a time where I didn't enjoy any health insurance so I couldn't receive my next injection. After more or less 4-5 months after I didn't get my subsequent indection, I started feeling as though I be pregnant my breasts were sore, I feel nauseated, tired all the time, and I have cravings. I knew for sure that I be pregnant but everytime I took a test, it be negative. I even go to the doc to have a blood interview which is the most accurate because it measures your hormone levels. The doc told me that my body be going through a hormonal change. My body be tricking me into thinking that I was pregnant because the Depo which is a hormone be leaving my body. I also experienced the worst interval of my life afterwards. I be bleeding so bad that I be lightheaded and weak greatly. So please be careful!

Growth inside of vaginal wall, have removed but questions?

ask the doctor!

Have any women try pee ing standing up over the toilet?

and one month ago when the Depo shot is supposed to wear rotten.. you didnt use any other method of birth control..

I had sex two days be for my length i used protection can this push back my menstral cycle?

It could be a hormonal sensitivity to not taking the shot. If you are dying to find out, take a EPT.

I am planning on going rotten the Nuva Ring after 5 straight years to give myself a break.?

there is a glorious probability that it is just your body trying to get hold of back to usual now that you've stopped poisening yourself. but in that is also that chance that you are pregant. get hold of a test, see a 'doctor' and you'll find out.

Body temp?

Have you done the unconcealed? work out how long ago you made love! Only you know, or maybe its purely your bodys way of motto enuff is enuff!

By every after noon when i urinate the color is coudy what could this scrounging?

Its very possible that you are prego but a test will put your mind at rest. These are the after affects from not have the depo injection.

I have a sound out about my length?

u could be pregnant a quick hoe testing to put ur mind at rest.

Im 20 years oldI have have my period since i be 12 years old i own never ever ever had a extent like this?

ask your doctor


Can be up to a year to seize your hormone levels fund to normal after taking depo-provera, stop by your GP or family planning substance just to put your mind at rest

Natural birth control- enjoy you tried it? Has it worked for you?

Its just the recoil to not continueing the injections. If you dont want another pregnancy make sure you pocket suitable precautions. I myself had indistinguishable problem as you describe. Convinced I was pregnant I come to terms beside it and went to the docs describing him I was 3 months pregnant but be astonished to find I wasnt. Already having 3 boys I couldnt follow my symptoms if I wasnt pregnant. Four periods within 19 months caused me to own a cyst which eventually burst on its own, still having further probs go into hospital for laparoscopy to find out the real end in. I was 20 weeks pregnant next to my daughter. I thought I was contained by a dream when they brought me out of anaesthathesia and told me. The joke still stands surrounded by our family, my daughter presently 12 wasn't a sister but a cyst. All these symptoms came from indistinguishable injection you speak of.
These are side effects but do have a experiment to put your mind at rest and then ensure alternative contraception.

I be trimming down below and?

It is more than likely your body getting used to the certainty that you have not have the injection. When my ex wife had it she be tol it would take just about a year for your body to be totally free of the drug. I suggest you consult your gp. I am reading some of these answers and they are not very nice at adjectives. These people must muse its a luahg or something. I hope you are ok but please see your gp.

Bloating and rumbling in uterus?

I was on the shot and after I stopped taking it my body go crazy. It took almost 6 months before I get my period again.and even later it wasn't normal. I still enjoy problems and it's been a year and a partially. You could be pregnant. Just go to Wal Mart and buy a pregnancy audition. First Response is pretty good and it's not expensive. Either course I wish you luck.

What is nausea?

It could be side affects. Also remember your body is still adjust to this change. Ask the doctor for proposal and you could also do a test to be sure,

Is the catholic church the explanation so many women hold HIV/AIDS?

see your doctor

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