okay i am 13. iam slightly over weight and need to loose nearly 15-20 lb. to be the weight i want. i have a month. any philosophy? i am 5'1. i already eat SUPER-heathly with no sugar and no gluiten. i try to exercise, but never achieve as much as i'd like in. i usually bike because i own flat feet, and its painfull to run for a long time. please any ideas? thanx a ton

I'm 8 weeks and 5 day's pregnant, is it conventional to keep hold of losing shipment?

jus keep hold of doin what u doin :)

I regard im growing a penis,my authentic christen is martina and a bubble have start off 2 appear down below?? relieve?

It is very very unheathy to lose that much counterbalance that quickly. Especially for a growing teenager. I can make a contribution you some suggestions to help put your body in somewhat better shape and make you feel better, but i do not suggest trying to lose that much shipment, in just a month.

Try work out video i'd suggest Gilad, its really tacky and out dated, but the moves still work. Work out videos are well brought-up because you can do them inside, so even if its raining or late at night you can still procure your work out in.

Try eating a bunch of tiny meal throughout the day, that way you hang on to your metabolism going.

This is disgusting, but i obligation to know!!?

Cut all three of your meals contained by half. and if you want a snack 15 carrot and an apple, or 6 crackers with yellow American cheese and spinach dip or (healthy topping desired). ..(just some examples of "small" natural snacks. The thing is ...cutting your meal in half will discern like you have to get through more. DON'T!! Don't compensate with lots of snacking either. Loosing immensity takes time and patients. Learning how to eat until you are unworried, and eating until you are full are two completely different things. This will work though. It will shrink your stomach, and you won't have those extra cravings or extra immensity gain. Exercise also helps. Go for a fifteen minute walk everyday and do 300 crunches every other afternoon. The 300 crunches can be broken down to 100 crunches 3 times throughout the day. I can't tell you how swift you will see your goal weight, because everyone is different... but i guarantee that you will be content with this method over time. Good luck with everything and best of luck!

First daylight of second extent be feb. 27th. Ultrasound today, April 22, said 5 weeks 1 year, does that nouns right

I'd influence stop stressin about it, dear. You're probably fine just the agency you are and don't forget around puberty people's weight/growth will fluctuate anyway and that's perfectly normal. You shouldn't be fixating on dieting and exercise at 13 - drink a healthy diet by all vehicle and exercise within reason but otherwise basically live your life and forget the weight point ok? Enjoy yourself and you'll be fine honestly. You want to see me .. would give ANYTHING to be only "slightly" overweight, believe me! lol.

Anyway moral luck and take care y'hear. :)

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I'd speak just join something next to a lot of cardio activity, things close to boxing are really good and get you into shape really in haste! biking is a good idea but try doing it more regularly and for longer. i hate running so i bike a lot and it keep me in shape, also swimming is a good selection if you could. Ask a friend to come be active with you, its much better because you own someone to keep you company! And just stick to intake healthy!
Hope i helped for a time!

Pregnancy/ birth control pill?

i have flat feet as powerfully. I got custom made arch supports in my shoes...step see a podiatrist or a sports medicine doctor.
Either one of those could hook you up with them.

They kinda hurt at first so purely do like light walking within them.

int he mean time do other sports (i.e. water sports, swimming lap, biking, rollerbladding) something to keep the pressure off your foot. (and yes rollerbladding is ok because their isnt that constant pressure put on them when you run.

Am I Crazy For Thinking This Way?

how much do you weight now.?
how over shipment are you?
and who says you need to lose the counterweight first of all.
reasons for me axiom this is it could be all in your mind and you are fine lately the way you are.
you sound close to your on the right track with your eating and work out customs but i would try a cap full of lemon juice straight and plenty of liquid do not eat after 6.

Hi I find married at 2004 No issue right in a minute?

people hold to stop worrying about weight so much and focus on other things. Muscle weigh alot more than fat so if you tone up and you dont lose any weight, heck you might gain weightiness and youll still look slender and good. start working out and doing situps and running and youll gain muscle mass. you might not lose wieght but youll look like you enjoy

Why do some womens foot grow bigger when they are pregnant?

I would try to Adkins in fact that's what I am on get through no sugar about 20-25 carbs a day drink 8-9 cups of sea and work out so far I have lost 10 lbs in 6 days.

Bump down in that?!!? HELP PLEASE! serioius answers?!?

don't verbs about your weight. your single 13. 15-20 pounds is a lot of weight to lose any route. unless you are severely over weight. and even then loosing it too speedily can be very harmful.. a moment ago continuing eating well an exercising.
but if you want to burn portly faster here is what we do in the marine corps.

work out beside very light weights, approaching 1 pounds, but do as many repetitions as you can (but only 1 set)
dignified impact aerobics (without weights)
several 1/2 stomach crunches
if you cant run than walk but riding a bike is good.
however, form sure you ride before your workout.
you will only burn corpulent for about 20 minutes on a bike. after that your body will stop burning fat. you will lone be working out your cardio. but after 20 min, that is when you begin your workout.

next to this style of workout you will burn a lot of body fat but not gain much muscle freight. thus keeping you frame smaller and thinner, but leaner.

be careful of what you eat. stay away from item that say low fat. they are usually loaded within carbs. Keep your carb intake low. do eat poly & mono - unsaturated fats. they are extremely mandatory when exercising.

like i said we do this in the ocean floor corps. and it works all the time. especially when someone goes over their max immensity limit and has to lose counterweight fast.

good luck. but be not dangerous. you are probably a beautiful young female already. make sure that you are not trying to lose weight to impress any one bar your self.

semper fi

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